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Same Ole Candidate, Same Ole Partisan Divide...

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  • John McCain: distinguished Senator, war veteran, perennial presidential candidate, devoted citizen, leader in the stand against torture and staunch advocate of service-to-your-country. Sounds like an attractive candidate for President of the United States of America doesn't he?

    Last night in a live, joint venture of and MTV, Sen. John McCain appeared in a high-tech town meeting in New Hampshire. Fielding questions from the live audience, Internet IM's, and the three moderators, Sen. McCain was direct and succinct and humble. Oh, and he was also partisan in the 'there is no way to bridge our differences' style that citizens of the United States have come to despise!

    The question that in my opinion nullified every other response offered was a question posed by an audience member (if memory serves) whether he would consider, CONSIDER, choosing a running mate from the other, major party for his ticket such as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton? My heart beat fast with anticipation! My pulse raced with hope! My mind reeled with the possibilities! And my countenance fell when he opened his mouth.

    "No." That was his initial response. He then went on to 'explain' why he would not consider that option, ending with (paraphrasing)'we just have too many major differences on the issues.' AND THEREIN LIES THE PROBLEM WITH MODERN, AMERICAN POLITICS!!! OF COURSE they have major policy differences! OF COURSE they have major philosophical differences! OF COURSE they have major differences of priority! That's why they belong to different political parties, right? But to actually meet the many challenges we face as a nation don't we need to find the middle ground on the policies, philosophies, and priorities? I think so and I thought a seasoned U.S. Senator would know so.

    And in that moment I saw Senator John McCain more clearly. Same ole candidate, same ole partisan divide...

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