Recruiting Delegates

posted by KrisW on February 16, 2025 - 2:02pm

I mentioned elsewhere that one of Unity08's major domos should look into this site...

....which claims to offer low-cost, targeted TV ads.

They could be helpful in recruiting delegates and spreading the word about Unity08.

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Strange how the post labeled "High School Junior" on the top page brings me here.

There must still be a few 'bugs' in the system.

Founders need to direct Delegates to:
1. send a letter or postcard to every church pastor in town and ask them to check out web page and to please present to congregation.
2. write or contact every local Fraternal Order (Moose, Elk, Rotary, Kiwanis)to invite Delegate to make a short presentation to members concerning
3.get senior at local high school to pin up placards to invite students to join
4. buy 2'x3' oaktag placard and with magic marker write "" on it so as to invite people to check it out and join; tape placard onto vehicle they drive around town with and
5.get a picture of people reading sign and interview them and submit picture with caption and short story accompanying it to local area newspaper
6.make a 1/2 hour presentation on free cablevision TV informing people of the existence of UNITY08 and that if they don't vote because they think their vote does not count or they are have become apathetic because politics is so corrupted then this is an endeavor for them to participate in.

You could also get a group of local delegates together and hold a public forum. Discuss topics such as other recruiting methods, important issues that need to be addressed to get people enthusiastic about voting again, and also ways we can help others out. Go out and volunteer at a local homeless shelter, help with educational programs and other such time oriented programs. When people see you actually want to make a difference to help others out, I believe they'll be more apt to listen to what you have to say than to just post pieces of paper around. Most people just throw these away anyway. Find a way to really reach the people you want to get the message to.

I'm still curious as to how many of the spammers here have signed up as delegates?

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