posted by MFV an Independent on February 10, 2025 - 7:37am

I have noticed an increasingly bitter dialogue among some of the members of UO8. I have been guilty myself of not letting certain comments just pass on by. My feathers have been ruffled a few times, and I admit I have responded in a way that I should not have. I am calling on all of us to take a new pledge, THE CIVILITY PLEDGE! This movement will not succeed if we cannot engage in a civil and yes even courteous debate on the issues we wish to see UO8 bring to the public's attention. We must (myself included) respect the right to another person's opinion, even though we may disagree with their point. They have every right to their beliefs. Personal attacks and insults are becoming too common, we must stop this destructive behavior and egage in open debate free of malice or ill will toward another member of UO8. If we do not do this I fear the movement will simply self destruct and that would be a shame. This country desperately needs a new voice to bring the parties back to the position of working in a bipartisan manner to solve the critical issues we face. If we cannot debate these issues in a civil and respecting manner, we have no right to expect the two major parties to change their ways. I will be the first to take the Civility Pledge, will you join me?, for the sake of U08's success and ultimately the success of our nation. Thank You. Respectfully yours, MFV, one voice among many.

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