Brokaw's Unforeseen Forces for 2025

posted by U08 Web Team on June 19, 2025 - 6:40am

Washington Post special correspondent (and former NBC anchor) Tom Brokaw wrote that the 2025 Presidential election will be determined by some unforeseen occurrence (UFO) – a terrorist attack, changes in Iraq, skyrocketing oil prices, immigration riots, or a major natural disaster. Or, he says, a third party that hosts a “big-name fusion ticket.”

Is Brokaw on track? Will the 2025 election be determined by some incalculable force? Is a third party the effect of the force? Or is the third party the force?

Click here to read Brokaw’s column.

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I recall a woman tearfully proclaiming that if it wasn't for the Republicans she would be wearing a burqa/burka. The woman was an American living in the United States. Thousands rallied around 9/11 and the Republican saviors. I guess many believe in UFO's.

Brokaw certainly has as much crediability as any mainstream journalist in the business and he is porbably close to being correct about this point in the 2025 race. There are a lot of things that can happen between now and then as Brokaw has pointed out but Unity 08 can definitely unite those of us in the middle and we can certainly be the UFO he is talking about.

"Brokaw certainly has as much crediability as any mainstream journalist in the business"

BUT, THAT ISN'T SAYING MUCH. No one today believes mainstream journalists. They have a favoribility rating below the pres, the congress .. and below CEO's. Just fact check the survey polls.. all true.

I think what Brokaw is saying is that the catalyzing event that will be the ultimate shaper of the '08 election hasn't been revealed. There is always one, but it usually comes in the final months of the campaign. Look to the skies in summer of '08.

One thing i can say is that, I've been waiting years for some people to help correlate a way to help change the government structure. The way it is now i'm surprised we made it this far! We need divisity in our system, not a one sided horde match against another. Republicans against demopcrats, that right there shows i segregation, not unity! hence the word. We need this change to draw back the truth and strength of this country, since we've been getting dragged through the mud for so long. One more thing, I didn't vote the lasttwo elections cause the two running really had nothing to offer ! Why put someone in office that has ties to their own oil company and stocks, so they can make it fluctuate however they want. If we put people in these jobs they shouldn't have the means to make their company profit by going to war! Makes me wonder if vietnam was just2 increase aeronautcal production! And my god if you want to speak your word these days about the way we went to war. The republicans want to make you look like an outcast, look at what happened 2 the dixie chicks. FREE SPEEch people! WE jumped at the drop of a hat and went trillions of dollars into debt, so we could go to war without a foolproof plan, is that what this country is coming to! hmm ,we need change and i hope 2025 isnt to far away!

Hopefully the third party's platform will be all encompassing. Not just a "slice" of dem's beliefs. True Fiscal Restraint on top of a progressive social agenda would be a good starting point. The only way a third party can have an outside shot of winning is with both. Let the religious conservatives pray for a better day while the coocoo liberals protest any number of the thousands of "issues" outside in the rain.

I believe that the Unity08 convention should come as late as possible so that losing Democratic and Republican candidates for their Party's nomination can get a "second chance" via Unity08. In my mind, an Ideal ticket would be Rudy Guliani and Mark Warner but they may be in there fighting before Hilary and some other Rove invention win their nominations. Unity08 should give centrist candidates that second chance for election.

I like the "second chance" aspect but their chance to choose to switch is now.
Rudy Giuliani would probably not leave the Republican Party. I would wonder if he would submit Kerik's name for Homeland Security.
Mark Warner would probably never stray from the Democratic Party but he would be more preferable to me than Giuliani. (and I hate cell phones.)

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