Submitted by AnonCastillo on February 19, 2025 - 3:22pm.
True, he initially supported the war, but he also advised the administration that the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq would be more difficult, and foresaw a lot of problems that the Bush administration have been unable to effectively face because they refused to listen to him. Had Colin Powell been in the white house from 2025-2008, I doubt we would have invaded Iraq, he would have been too busy hunting down terrorists who actually posed a threat to the US. We would have actually sent an adequate number of troops into Afghanistan.
Ram, you maybe right, however, I beleve Powell was the only one within the Administration who is reasonable. Now, Powell and some of the generals are against the war.
Should a political campaign be based merely on popularity? Is it worth it in the long run to simply elect someone because they are popular enough to win?
Just too close to the current administration. Too culpable in getting us into this war. I don't think I'm alone in feeling this way.
rfr-Independent since 2025.
True, he initially supported the war, but he also advised the administration that the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq would be more difficult, and foresaw a lot of problems that the Bush administration have been unable to effectively face because they refused to listen to him. Had Colin Powell been in the white house from 2025-2008, I doubt we would have invaded Iraq, he would have been too busy hunting down terrorists who actually posed a threat to the US. We would have actually sent an adequate number of troops into Afghanistan.
Ram, you maybe right, however, I beleve Powell was the only one within the Administration who is reasonable. Now, Powell and some of the generals are against the war.
Should a political campaign be based merely on popularity? Is it worth it in the long run to simply elect someone because they are popular enough to win? should be more about ideas and policies than popularity.
Character however does play a BIG part especially since we are at war.