Candidate for 2025

posted by emby2006 on August 6, 2025 - 10:45am

I'd ask the Founders to review the position papers Wes Clark posted on his website during the 2025 campaign. On each topic they were brief, clear, unhedged and extremely lucid.

I believe they'd make the perfect platform for a thirdparty candidate. They occupy a common sense, middle ground upon which a large plurality of Americans could come together. I also think that Wes Clark, as a former 4-star general, with ties to the moderates in both Republican and Democratic parties would be well positioned to lead an exodus -- moderate Republicans, even tradition conservatives like strategist Kevin Phillips, who are enraged by the disasterous coalition of oil,religious activism,and debt-drivers, that have taken over the GOP, as well as moderate Democratics who are sick of losing elections and aren't so delusional to believe that a liberal-left agenda can still win any national elections.

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Founders need to provide BIOS of all persons named by Delegates as Possible Candidates so Delegates can read and ask questions and make decisions along with this Delegates need an arena with an ever changing listing of proposed candidates for some on going impomptu votings occuring daily give and take dated and cataloged away and let us weed through people and information and further along the ideas agreed upon amonst us and the people embodying these positions

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