I think Unity08 has the potential to really connect with college-age voters who can't help but be cynical about politics today. The more organizations we can team up with to engage young voters and show they are force to be reckoned with, the better.
Submitted by michaelbrown on June 8, 2025 - 7:55pm.
Hello; all as my username says my name is Michael Brown. I a second year college student. I am involved in a group that my friend started. It is called the Political Think Tank. It is an organization that can and will discuss topics of importance. Our website is www.pctthinktank.org. I know several of the members on the founders council from Freedoms Answer. They are all great people! I beleive that Unity 2025 is a great organization and I would like to do what I can to help out. I will post any topics about Unity or what you guys are doing on our forums as well. I have already posted about Unity 08 on our forums
Can we connect with college students and younger adults? Yes we can. I am only in High School and love this idea but the connecting with people who care is the easy part. Until Unite08 has draw to the ampathic what can we do? Most young people don't care because they don't feel it affects them, there vote doesn't count, or even if it does the candidates differ so slightly that it doesnt matter who wins. THEY ARE RIGHT. With democrats and republicans their vote doesn't count! The candidates don't differ! This needs to be marketed right. Everything is perception. This must be shown as what it is, a revolutionary idea, a difference maker. Bring it home and we have a chance.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on June 10, 2025 - 7:04am.
Ya right.. NOT!. What we DON'T need is the brain washed of our colleges voting. I don't need any advice from someone who has had an ipod stuck in his/her ear.
Submitted by Paine (not verified) on June 10, 2025 - 10:25am.
The idea of a Unity Party disallowing 15.3 million (and that’s only the number of current students) Americans membership seems odd. And the implication that higher education “brainwashes” students... is... laughable.
Let’s consider the pros and cons of teaming up... not the results of iPod use.
# of students from: http://www.cnn.com/2003/EDUCATION/10/09/colleges.race.ap/
Usually I let the snarkier bits slide by uncommented but this seemed to warrant a response. I think because it was aimed at me.
An Anonymous Coward wrote: "I don't need any advice from someone who has had an ipod stuck in his/her ear."
First, you don't stick an iPod in your ear. Even the Nano is much too large to fit in your ear. You stick earbuds in your ear. Those earbuds connect you to a lot more than you apparently believe. The derisive characterization of people who are connected to the world via downloaded audio media isn't really appropriate.
Second, I'm 53 and I listen to an MP3 player for a couple hours a day. Are you dismissing me because I listen to lectures and speeches? Or because I listen to books and stories? Or because I have a regular series of music programs that I enjoy?
Please don't take the path where you attack what you don't understand. That's what got us here to begin with and it's a maze we're all trying to work our way out of.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on June 10, 2025 - 12:28pm.
I don't think the most of our high and middle school students are listening to lectures and speakers. The're listening to gangsta rap while the asian students and others from emerging countries are studying Newtons theorems and polymer creation. The gentleman had it right.. the 21st century is going to belong to the emerging countries .. and we will still be trying to pray outselves out of this mess.
Submitted by Michael Brown (not verified) on June 11, 2025 - 7:39pm.
I agree stop the bickering. I believe that is what got us here in the first place. If you do not want me to talk about "my organization" that is fine. I found some other organizations here; tell me what you think. I googled stuff here is the link
Submitted by Michael Brown (not verified) on June 11, 2025 - 8:07pm.
Hey if we can get a good number of college level organizations and other organizaitons involved with unity 08 then we will be able to reach out to numerous people for them to get involved and help us out
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on June 11, 2025 - 8:17pm.
Note toMichael, Yes we can get some college orgs .. that is if we want to pervert the entire effort. Very few, almost statisticaly non-existent is the number of college students that have even a passing knowledge of the purposes of our government and most cant even name the VP or a single member of the cabinet. Clue: College students vote celeberty and nice hair.
Every person who has gone through middle school knows the purpose and the workings of the US Government, it's standard eight grade history to study the Constitution, Bill of Rights and other important documents.
Teaming up with other groups would enhance the awarness about Unity08. Running ads on television, in magazines, and on the internet will also help.
Submitted by Michael Brown (not verified) on June 12, 2025 - 6:52am.
Not all college students are that way. The organizaiton I was talking about have all political enthusists (sp). They all like politics and want to make a difference in the United States, the state, the world, our city and our campus with dealing with politics.
Submitted by Michael Brown (not verified) on June 12, 2025 - 6:58am.
First here is the Penn College Political Think Tank Mission Statement
"Awakening the power of our social potential, this club should increase people's awareness of those current events which are omitted or deliberately suppressed from the mainstream media due to their controversy. Our audience should be effectively provoked by our materials, and thereby motivated to seek serious resolutions to real-world problems. Political Think Tank will offer opportunities for anyone to interact with us
Everyone, thank you for your support! Spread the word... and you can help out by scouring the web for information about what's REALLY happening in our country and the world...
YOU get to choose what to talk about~ the categories will be: World - United States - Pennsylvania - Williamsport - Penn College.
Who can find the most outrageous and controversial topics? Try to find some of the deeper issues we don't usually get to hear about in the news... ones that we might need power in numbers to confront."
Can we stop with the bickering. I mean this forum is to discuss what groups that can team up with. I mean they DO NOT need to be college level or high school level organizaitons. It can be professional ones to like Rock the Vote or like the MTV Choose or Lose Campaign. I mean some of these organizations are aimed at the college/high school age group but hey they can help. I was in Freedoms Answer and that was a high school oriented group and we did great I believe. I will stop bickering myself but lets stay to the forum topic and if I got us off that subject I apologize. I was just trying to say an organization that I know that would do their best to help out. Thats all. Thank you for your time and effort to read this.
Submitted by Jake Harper (not verified) on June 13, 2025 - 6:55pm.
One of the best (inexpensive) ways to promote Unity 08 to colleges would be to come up with a flier (we need one flier that is approved by Unity08 so messages don't get crossed) and post the flier on college bulletin boards. This is easy to do and you can go down to the local college in your town and post the flier, I'd be willing to do it in my town. Also if the flier would send them to the website and give them a way to find their college where someone has registered it (like the person putting up the flier) so they could begin a forum and possibly start an organization on their campus.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on June 14, 2025 - 7:36am.
What about Seniors or high school (voting age is 18 but younger can get involved.)
My thought on college is put a banner on a keg and others on toilet rims. Oh I know college kids don't drink so how about a nice tatoo?
For the Unity 08 to actually be successful they need to connect with the college age kids at least to further push the agenda and ideas of Unity 08. Being a College Senior and Vice President of the College Republicans there are some ways that can be used to connect to kids. First connect with organizations like Rock the Vote but also work with established groups on campus, since they differ on campuses throughout the country. Also, I like the idea to use the IPOD or Podcasts because a lot of college kids have Ipods and it would make Unity 08 technologically advanced compared to the Dems and Reps. Each Campus is different but finding a crucial core group of people at each college or in each state that can recruit in any way that works at that campus will be the most successful plan
Being from a smaller school the ways to recruit differ from a larger school. But a universal way to recruit is to have a live band, food, on a nice day on campus or right off campus somewhere and that always works. Just a few ideas!
Submitted by Daniel9 (not verified) on June 15, 2025 - 10:19pm.
Repair and reform of our dysfunctional political system depends upon the participation of our college population. It can't be done without them. The decisions we make in this election will affect not only those currently in the "power" years, but especially those growning in to the "power" years. It would be a BIG mistake to write off or pass by those who have a stake in the future.
Submitted by Bill713again (not verified) on June 21, 2025 - 7:25pm.
Seniors are politically and intellectually "armed and ready" to help in this campaigne. AARP has several issues that fit a moderate or centerist platform. I'm sure there are links to address seniors in this context, but I don't know them yet.
Submitted by NDN (not verified) on June 21, 2025 - 8:12pm.
Too much of the front page fits me to a "T". I'm in because I just can't find satisfaction in this rampantly partisan system. It suffers from fundamental flaws and politics as usual is just becoming unbearable. I just want a party and platform I can be proud of. Mostly the same things everybody else wants. If Unity08 only succeeds in changing things a little then it will be worth the time I put in it.
Submitted by Mark Greene (not verified) on July 23, 2025 - 7:50am.
Great to see you here - keep it coming and bring everyone you can. And, as I gather you're rather new here - a suggestion. Don't acknowledge the posts or thoughts of any coward who goes by the name Anonymous - he isn't worth the effort it takes to type a response to his empty harangues.
I would appreciate your views as a college student on the differentiation between "centrist" and "moderate." They do not neccessarily mean the same thing. Ditto "activist" and "pragmatist." There are too many here and elsewhere who are activists by nature, who seek a specific outcome on a specific issue and who see Unity08 as nothing more than a new vehicle through which to promote their own narrow agenda.
Truth be told, I suppose that I, nearing 50, am one of these. My agenda is responsive and responsible government free from the debilitating influence of private money and corporate interests. I foolishly believe that if we can get in place a system that educates 100 percent of the electorate and encourages the participation of all, we will wind up with representatives who will legislate for the common good and protect us from special interests on both (all?) sides of the spectrum, and that we'll all be better off for it.
a referendum cannot be held on the national level. The consitution does not provide for such. These are only a state form of legislation that came from the progressive movement in the early 20th century. I cannot ever see our aristocratic national leaders ever giving up their power for referendums on the national level.
Boomer, I'm not sure myself about the National Referendum - but the plan I developed and implemented when I submitted my Citizens Petition To Chief Justice Roberts - Dated October 1 2025 WILL DO WHAT WE NEED IF THE FOLLOWING ACTION IS TAKEN BY UNITY08 AS AN ORGANIZATION ..
I've already contacted the CEO and The Rules Committee And Suggested ..
1. Click on my Blog wwww.popopete.com Scroll To Feb 2025 Archives - Study The Open Letter To Chief Justice Roberts .. Thinking Outside The Box CONSIDER ONLY THE TRUTH OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED & THE PLANS ABILITY TO DO THE JOB AS CLAIMED !!
2. Discuss With UNITY08's Lawyers & Rules Committee The Idea Of The Organization Taking & Publicly Announcing It's Intention To Establish A Class Action To Support The Petition !!
Boomer, I'll leave you with my normal explanation for my ideas : I'm going on 83 Years of age I've spent 60 of those years dealing with People and Governments in many Countries .. With A Really Good Press Release & Support For A Write In Campaign To Chief Justice Roberts By 1,000 or More Citizens We could Get This Organization Moving In The Right Direction !!
By the way, Please click on my Blog & Check Today's MESSAGE OF HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR !!
God Bless - Have A Good Christmas & Productive & Rewarding New Year !!
Submitted by Mark Greene on December 30, 2025 - 11:02pm.
Thought you'd want to know that I keep NTU.ORG bookmarked in my rather overlarge folder titled "batshit crazy right wing idealogues." Am pretty happy with you thus far - hoping you'll wind up in a different folder...
I see nothing wrong with youth participation in unity08. By harnessing the power of the college and high school votes we can only grow stronger. Their presence should not scare away the middle-aged probably middle-class voter. Most people who join will be moderates or those looking for reform, so youth membership will not drag unity08 to the left as many of you apparently fear. After all, a vote is a vote.
Now back on topic, as Policeman Pete Evans pointed out, there are many reform movements out there that we can join up with for mutual benefit.
The National Taxpayers Union located about 20 miles from me lacks a contact link on their main site (http://www.ntu.org/main/), so the only option is to use the phone number popopete gave us. Were I not 16 and not fully acquainted with the specifics of unity08, I would call them myself. But as it seems Pete knows them, why don't you call? Or are you looking for backup on an issue?
I agree completely, indeed add the moon bats and bleeding hearts ... I see unity as needing various viewpoints, not just a liberal one. Concentrate on verifyable truth when it comes to positioning of crazies, if their stuff isnt true, then it doesn't count.
Unity shouldn't be about left or right wing proposals but simply about getting the self-interest driven politicos and their controllers out and out now.
www.Mobilize.org is proud to announce the launch of its "Democracy 2.0" questions on our website.
Go to www.mobilize.org and answer the questions under the Democracy 2.0 heading to tell us how you think the government is fulling, and failing to fulfill its responsibilities.
What does the millennial generation have to offer in fixing the problems of government that other generations do not?
I think Unity08 has the potential to really connect with college-age voters who can't help but be cynical about politics today. The more organizations we can team up with to engage young voters and show they are force to be reckoned with, the better.
I would be careful to consider that it would be wise to reach out to people as indivuals rather than as part of agenda based organizations.
Just a side note but asides from that ,,, the more the merrier :)What about non-political groups like music or religious organizations?
Hello; all as my username says my name is Michael Brown. I a second year college student. I am involved in a group that my friend started. It is called the Political Think Tank. It is an organization that can and will discuss topics of importance. Our website is www.pctthinktank.org. I know several of the members on the founders council from Freedoms Answer. They are all great people! I beleive that Unity 2025 is a great organization and I would like to do what I can to help out. I will post any topics about Unity or what you guys are doing on our forums as well. I have already posted about Unity 08 on our forums
Michael Brown
Can we connect with college students and younger adults? Yes we can. I am only in High School and love this idea but the connecting with people who care is the easy part. Until Unite08 has draw to the ampathic what can we do? Most young people don't care because they don't feel it affects them, there vote doesn't count, or even if it does the candidates differ so slightly that it doesnt matter who wins. THEY ARE RIGHT. With democrats and republicans their vote doesn't count! The candidates don't differ! This needs to be marketed right. Everything is perception. This must be shown as what it is, a revolutionary idea, a difference maker. Bring it home and we have a chance.
I agree. We would be willing to do what we can to help Unity 08. What do you guys think?
Ya right.. NOT!. What we DON'T need is the brain washed of our colleges voting. I don't need any advice from someone who has had an ipod stuck in his/her ear.
The idea of a Unity Party disallowing 15.3 million (and that’s only the number of current students) Americans membership seems odd. And the implication that higher education “brainwashes” students... is... laughable.
Let’s consider the pros and cons of teaming up... not the results of iPod use.
# of students from: http://www.cnn.com/2003/EDUCATION/10/09/colleges.race.ap/
Usually I let the snarkier bits slide by uncommented but this seemed to warrant a response. I think because it was aimed at me.
An Anonymous Coward wrote: "I don't need any advice from someone who has had an ipod stuck in his/her ear."
First, you don't stick an iPod in your ear. Even the Nano is much too large to fit in your ear. You stick earbuds in your ear. Those earbuds connect you to a lot more than you apparently believe. The derisive characterization of people who are connected to the world via downloaded audio media isn't really appropriate.
Second, I'm 53 and I listen to an MP3 player for a couple hours a day. Are you dismissing me because I listen to lectures and speeches? Or because I listen to books and stories? Or because I have a regular series of music programs that I enjoy?
Please don't take the path where you attack what you don't understand. That's what got us here to begin with and it's a maze we're all trying to work our way out of.
I don't think the most of our high and middle school students are listening to lectures and speakers. The're listening to gangsta rap while the asian students and others from emerging countries are studying Newtons theorems and polymer creation. The gentleman had it right.. the 21st century is going to belong to the emerging countries .. and we will still be trying to pray outselves out of this mess.
iPods? Rap music? Newtons theorem?
This thread is about what types of organizations Unity08 should team with. So let’s talk about some... here are few to think about:
Rock the Vote: http://www.rockthevote.org/
MoveOn: http://www.moveon.org/
Declaration of Independence Road Trip: http://www.independenceroadtrip.org/
Stop bickering... start thinking!
Note to Paine,
Teaming up with left wing organizations like Moveon is NOT appropriate. This is supposed to be a party of MODERATES.
I agree stop the bickering. I believe that is what got us here in the first place. If you do not want me to talk about "my organization" that is fine. I found some other organizations here; tell me what you think. I googled stuff here is the link
Michael Brown
No .. no .. no.. this is about reform .. not compromise and moderation. We want to get it right .. not just to win.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Hey if we can get a good number of college level organizations and other organizaitons involved with unity 08 then we will be able to reach out to numerous people for them to get involved and help us out
Michael Brown
Note toMichael, Yes we can get some college orgs .. that is if we want to pervert the entire effort. Very few, almost statisticaly non-existent is the number of college students that have even a passing knowledge of the purposes of our government and most cant even name the VP or a single member of the cabinet. Clue: College students vote celeberty and nice hair.
Michael Brown
Every person who has gone through middle school knows the purpose and the workings of the US Government, it's standard eight grade history to study the Constitution, Bill of Rights and other important documents.
Teaming up with other groups would enhance the awarness about Unity08. Running ads on television, in magazines, and on the internet will also help.
Not all college students are that way. The organizaiton I was talking about have all political enthusists (sp). They all like politics and want to make a difference in the United States, the state, the world, our city and our campus with dealing with politics.
First here is the Penn College Political Think Tank Mission Statement
"Awakening the power of our social potential, this club should increase people's awareness of those current events which are omitted or deliberately suppressed from the mainstream media due to their controversy. Our audience should be effectively provoked by our materials, and thereby motivated to seek serious resolutions to real-world problems. Political Think Tank will offer opportunities for anyone to interact with us
Everyone, thank you for your support! Spread the word... and you can help out by scouring the web for information about what's REALLY happening in our country and the world...
YOU get to choose what to talk about~ the categories will be: World - United States - Pennsylvania - Williamsport - Penn College.
Who can find the most outrageous and controversial topics? Try to find some of the deeper issues we don't usually get to hear about in the news... ones that we might need power in numbers to confront."
Can we stop with the bickering. I mean this forum is to discuss what groups that can team up with. I mean they DO NOT need to be college level or high school level organizaitons. It can be professional ones to like Rock the Vote or like the MTV Choose or Lose Campaign. I mean some of these organizations are aimed at the college/high school age group but hey they can help. I was in Freedoms Answer and that was a high school oriented group and we did great I believe. I will stop bickering myself but lets stay to the forum topic and if I got us off that subject I apologize. I was just trying to say an organization that I know that would do their best to help out. Thats all. Thank you for your time and effort to read this.
One of the best (inexpensive) ways to promote Unity 08 to colleges would be to come up with a flier (we need one flier that is approved by Unity08 so messages don't get crossed) and post the flier on college bulletin boards. This is easy to do and you can go down to the local college in your town and post the flier, I'd be willing to do it in my town. Also if the flier would send them to the website and give them a way to find their college where someone has registered it (like the person putting up the flier) so they could begin a forum and possibly start an organization on their campus.
Good Idea; I like it
What about Seniors or high school (voting age is 18 but younger can get involved.)
My thought on college is put a banner on a keg and others on toilet rims. Oh I know college kids don't drink so how about a nice tatoo?
For the Unity 08 to actually be successful they need to connect with the college age kids at least to further push the agenda and ideas of Unity 08. Being a College Senior and Vice President of the College Republicans there are some ways that can be used to connect to kids. First connect with organizations like Rock the Vote but also work with established groups on campus, since they differ on campuses throughout the country. Also, I like the idea to use the IPOD or Podcasts because a lot of college kids have Ipods and it would make Unity 08 technologically advanced compared to the Dems and Reps. Each Campus is different but finding a crucial core group of people at each college or in each state that can recruit in any way that works at that campus will be the most successful plan
Being from a smaller school the ways to recruit differ from a larger school. But a universal way to recruit is to have a live band, food, on a nice day on campus or right off campus somewhere and that always works. Just a few ideas!
Repair and reform of our dysfunctional political system depends upon the participation of our college population. It can't be done without them. The decisions we make in this election will affect not only those currently in the "power" years, but especially those growning in to the "power" years. It would be a BIG mistake to write off or pass by those who have a stake in the future.
Seniors are politically and intellectually "armed and ready" to help in this campaigne. AARP has several issues that fit a moderate or centerist platform. I'm sure there are links to address seniors in this context, but I don't know them yet.
Too much of the front page fits me to a "T". I'm in because I just can't find satisfaction in this rampantly partisan system. It suffers from fundamental flaws and politics as usual is just becoming unbearable. I just want a party and platform I can be proud of. Mostly the same things everybody else wants. If Unity08 only succeeds in changing things a little then it will be worth the time I put in it.
Great to see you here - keep it coming and bring everyone you can. And, as I gather you're rather new here - a suggestion. Don't acknowledge the posts or thoughts of any coward who goes by the name Anonymous - he isn't worth the effort it takes to type a response to his empty harangues.
I would appreciate your views as a college student on the differentiation between "centrist" and "moderate." They do not neccessarily mean the same thing. Ditto "activist" and "pragmatist." There are too many here and elsewhere who are activists by nature, who seek a specific outcome on a specific issue and who see Unity08 as nothing more than a new vehicle through which to promote their own narrow agenda.
Truth be told, I suppose that I, nearing 50, am one of these. My agenda is responsive and responsible government free from the debilitating influence of private money and corporate interests. I foolishly believe that if we can get in place a system that educates 100 percent of the electorate and encourages the participation of all, we will wind up with representatives who will legislate for the common good and protect us from special interests on both (all?) sides of the spectrum, and that we'll all be better off for it.
What do you think?
And again, Michael - welcome!
Wars are fought by our young
The poor suffer the most
Our budget is wrecked
Shame on a leader who initiates WAR
FACE IT - It's Going To Take A National Referendum On The Ballot Before November 2025 TO BRING ABOUT THE CHANGES THAT MUST BE MADE ..
ie To Get Control Over An Out Of Control Congress & Political System ..
It Will Take The Help Of Many To Secure The Number Of Signatures Needed to Get That Referendum On The Ballot in Time !!
The National Taxpayers Union In Richmond Virginia has over 500,000 Members - they may be willing to join us ..
Contact Peter Seep 703 683-5700 Tell Him Pete Evans told you to call and why .
Citizen Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida
a referendum cannot be held on the national level. The consitution does not provide for such. These are only a state form of legislation that came from the progressive movement in the early 20th century. I cannot ever see our aristocratic national leaders ever giving up their power for referendums on the national level.
A Sooner Independent
Boomer, I'm not sure myself about the National Referendum - but the plan I developed and implemented when I submitted my Citizens Petition To Chief Justice Roberts - Dated October 1 2025 WILL DO WHAT WE NEED IF THE FOLLOWING ACTION IS TAKEN BY UNITY08 AS AN ORGANIZATION ..
I've already contacted the CEO and The Rules Committee And Suggested ..
1. Click on my Blog wwww.popopete.com Scroll To Feb 2025 Archives - Study The Open Letter To Chief Justice Roberts .. Thinking Outside The Box CONSIDER ONLY THE TRUTH OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED & THE PLANS ABILITY TO DO THE JOB AS CLAIMED !!
2. Discuss With UNITY08's Lawyers & Rules Committee The Idea Of The Organization Taking & Publicly Announcing It's Intention To Establish A Class Action To Support The Petition !!
Boomer, I'll leave you with my normal explanation for my ideas : I'm going on 83 Years of age I've spent 60 of those years dealing with People and Governments in many Countries .. With A Really Good Press Release & Support For A Write In Campaign To Chief Justice Roberts By 1,000 or More Citizens We could Get This Organization Moving In The Right Direction !!
By the way, Please click on my Blog & Check Today's MESSAGE OF HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR !!
God Bless - Have A Good Christmas & Productive & Rewarding New Year !!
Citizen Evans, of Boynron Beach, Florida
Email popopete@hotmail.com
Thought you'd want to know that I keep NTU.ORG bookmarked in my rather overlarge folder titled "batshit crazy right wing idealogues." Am pretty happy with you thus far - hoping you'll wind up in a different folder...
Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle
Mark, I'm not Right Wing, I'm Not Left Wing - I'm The Vertical Stabilizer, Rudder & Aelerons !!
I see nothing wrong with youth participation in unity08. By harnessing the power of the college and high school votes we can only grow stronger. Their presence should not scare away the middle-aged probably middle-class voter. Most people who join will be moderates or those looking for reform, so youth membership will not drag unity08 to the left as many of you apparently fear. After all, a vote is a vote.
Now back on topic, as Policeman Pete Evans pointed out, there are many reform movements out there that we can join up with for mutual benefit.
The National Taxpayers Union located about 20 miles from me lacks a contact link on their main site (http://www.ntu.org/main/), so the only option is to use the phone number popopete gave us. Were I not 16 and not fully acquainted with the specifics of unity08, I would call them myself. But as it seems Pete knows them, why don't you call? Or are you looking for backup on an issue?
I agree completely, indeed add the moon bats and bleeding hearts ... I see unity as needing various viewpoints, not just a liberal one. Concentrate on verifyable truth when it comes to positioning of crazies, if their stuff isnt true, then it doesn't count.
Unity shouldn't be about left or right wing proposals but simply about getting the self-interest driven politicos and their controllers out and out now.
Operation US Clean Sweep.
(see www.pacleansweep.com)
Hey guys,
www.Mobilize.org is proud to announce the launch of its "Democracy 2.0" questions on our website.
Go to www.mobilize.org and answer the questions under the Democracy 2.0 heading to tell us how you think the government is fulling, and failing to fulfill its responsibilities.
What does the millennial generation have to offer in fixing the problems of government that other generations do not?
Tell us what you think!