The FAIR Tax and Energy Answers

posted by Mike Moody on August 10, 2025 - 4:13pm

I would like to advance a proposal for discussion that I call the FAIR Tax. The FAIR acronym stands for F-inancing A-lternatives for I-mport R-eduction. The source of this levy would be an excess profits tax on the oil industry. The tax would be levied as a flat charge of, say 10% on the profits on sales that exceed the 5 year level of profitability prior to Katrina.

The proceeds from this tax would admittedly not be great. However, they could be used to support dedicated funding in prototype manufacturing capacity that would produce alternative fuels. I believe a major portion of this tax should be spent on building a prototype coal to liquid fuel conversion plant on the Jersey shore. Further, I think this prototype plant should be powered by a water current power generating system currently in test. I also believe that part of these funds should be invested in developing a liquid air power generating system that could be used to generate power in urban areas.

Thank you,

Mike Moody

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Not a bad idea.
Anyone who doesn't believe that there is and always has been a class war going on must be on the winning side.

In addition, I think taxes should be increased on trucking companies, but they should be given a substanial tax break if they use bio-diesal (which they can convert to NOW!)

That would hurt the economy a whole lot more than you can imagine.
How would you like to pay 2 to 3 times more for the food that you eat, because the cost of getting it to your area has increased. And it would affect all goods. Anything that you buy. Bio-diesel is good, but we can't make enough of it. Seatle-tacoma's city bus fleet uses around 4 million gallons a year. They're in the processes of upgrading to GM hybrid city busses that should save them a million gallons or so anually. I've heard rummors about International making a hybrid 18 wheeler. Not sure when thats going to happen though.

Browncoats Unite!

We have lots of coal, and the Nazis made synthetic oil & fuel from coal during WWII - it should be funded so it can be developed.
I also think there should be nuclear fusion funding.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

taxes should no longer be so difficult and i'm tired of paying for them twice (once when i get it and once when i spend it.) If i was happy knowing the government was doing good for the people, i would happily pay the government an american land (State land) tax that comes out of my pay as a variable percentage. the only tax for our store bought goods should be from outsourced merchandise. give Co. incentives to keep the work in america or state or whatever.

That would help stop the tax game, that i hate playing every year. everyone dislikes the tax season. i don't want to be forced to keep receipts just so i can get money back. taxes should be set up so that anyone and everyone that pays can do so with out feeling that they are paying more in taxes cuz there to lazy to keep every receipt. just take it out of my gross income. stop playing games with the population and keep it fair for everyone regardless of mental capacity.
how difficult are you going to keep making it?

Peace, but war if we must

To get low-cost effective change, move money around and let the market find the cheapest response. Here is a "tax" program that shouldn't cause problems for any party or segment of the population.

A tax-and-return program on fuels and/or electricity [personal carbon credit].
--A Tax/Return program taxes a product but then returns all the tax revenue to the consumers [tax-payers]. But everyone gets the same return. Someone who uses over the average amount will find they pay over the average tax, but only get back the average. Someone who conserves will get back more than they paid.
--A Tax/Return program also fair in that helps poorer tax payers as their return is a higher percentage of their income just as fuel cost are a higher percentage of their income.


Any new tax you want to levy on any industry will be paid by us, the consumers. People understand this and are not interested in paying any more taxes!

There is already a Fair Tax organization out there that is looking to eliminate the IRS and the ridiculous cost of compliance with the current tax code.

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