State issued ID's? DL's?? National ID Card

posted by anderson1234 on September 26, 2025 - 11:36pm


If your 16 and your stupid enough to wanna smoke a ciggy let 'em kill himself.

Don't complain about a smoky bar/restaurant, if you don't like it go to a non-smoking bar/restaurant.

Driving is a privilege, in this day and age it should be a right. (Ask me on this)

21 to drink? Why?? I can die in a war overseas at 18, but I can't have a drink?

The control the states and the government have over people is unconstitutional, at least i believe so.

We throw people in jail for offenses that are not even serious, filling up our jails costing us money.

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smoke if you want. have a drink if you want, but don't drive a car.
But don't think for one minute that we throw people in jail for offenses that aren't serious. incarceration is used for people who victimize other people. treat your self as you will, but pay the price if you infringe on the rights of others

I think hes talking about drug issues. Marijuana (a favorite of the last generation of protesters) is still considered a felony in some states, who's the victim if an adult decides to smoke marijuana? not society. Last election in nevada we had a vote to legalize consumption and selling of marijuana (from govt. regulated stores) that barely lost with

44.05% yes (252,776 votes)
55.95% no (320,854 votes)

More people arrested for the possesion of marijuana, than for violent crimes.

Las Vegas, NV

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