Definition of victory

posted by bigbear on September 11, 2025 - 12:45pm

My definition of victory in Iraq is that time when our troops can leave Baghdad and the rest of the country, marching through the public streets at high noon, without anyone firing at them.
Bush's definition seems to be "a stable Iraq".
The Democrat's definition is unknown. I have not seen a single Democrat describe what is considered to be victory. All I have seen is comments from them such as Harry Reid's "the war is lost" to Gen. Pelosi's

"it is time to leave." Perhaps if any of the Democrats could come up with a reasonable definition of victory in Iraq, they could also tell you why America is incapable of accomplishing that victory.

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Victory will be when we can leave Baghdad.

We'll be in the north or south or both for a while, but at lower troop levels. Shia-Suuni violence in central Iraq will last for another generation but when its an all-Iraq skirmish then its no longer US national security.

The democrats will declare defeat until or unless they get elected.

The road to victory lies in reducing our casulties as much as possible. If there is a solution to stop half of the casualties In Iraq, we americans should utilize such possibilites. Unfortunately such a company must brodcast on televesion it's life saving capabilities in order to gain support WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Dont understand why politicians are arguing and wasting time while supporters shell out millions of dollars too ensure that there politician will hold an office for another term. That money can be spent in so many better ways. As I am only one man that is fed up with all the bull shit. I divulge this information in efforts that you will be enlightend IED (Impovised Explosive Devices) Are the #1 killer in Iraq

The company that is trying to counter this deadly problem is Force One Protection

Powerplayers In Iraq should help pay for the protection of our soldiers, if it weren't for the sacrafices of out men and women in the armed services profiterrs wouldn't even have the oportunity to make money.... Oh they're too concerned making billion by pumping out black death...........(It is destroying our planet, and also it is decomposed biomass)

Republicans bribe the rich and powerful with our money
Democrats bribe the poor and lazy with our money
The middle class gets screwed..........

People who knows, don't care
People who dont care, don't know
People who know and care are in the middle of a rock and a hard place.

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