population control

posted by aggie1976 on August 28, 2025 - 11:20am

i am in the energy industry and have heard a lot of talk about alternative fuels. some have merit some don't. all the hype seems to about ways change fuel sources but little is talked about in the way of reducing the use of all fuels. that is population control. if you draw the biggest picture possible, the problem isn't 11 mpg hummers or leaving the lights on, it's that this planet cannot sustain 7 billion people. yes we all need to conserve and not waste, that's a given. but, the earth's problems are bigger than global warming and fuel consumption. if we really want to help the planet and ourselves we have to reduce the number of which feed on the pile. certainly i'm not advocating eradication but we still need to look seriously at the birth rate and mortality rates and we will see that as we grow in population we are actually killing ourselves. this planet and our technology cannot sustain more than 3-5 billion at the most. food for thought.

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Maybe Hitler and Pol Pot were right...
Or maybe we could use technology to prevent mass genocide. You know, improve food output per acre, reduce emissions until it gets down to an equilibrium with nature. Actually, fusion energy is looking pretty good right now. Or maybe I should go buy a shotgun and build a bunker in my back yard . . .

in order to fix the amount of food produced per acre produced you still have to mess with nature and the long term effects are still being discovered

Population Control... simple...

It's called "RISUG".

It is a cheap, easy, reversible, zero-side-effect, 100% effective, male birth control available in India.
One shot, lasts 10 years. Reversible at any time, and can be done over and over again...
We can simply establish a new "rite of passage" for our boys. Turn 16, get a shot, and it's
"go get 'em Tiger!".

It's not available here, in the USA, because the drug companies are fighting to keep it out. Duh. Too cheap. Too easy. Too effective. They can't make any money on it!

The solution... Free RISUG for all boys. Perhaps even a small tatoo, so the girls can check that they're not lying.

Cheap, simple, effective. I like those kinds of solutions.

In general though, developed countries tend to have a reverse population problem. Meaning, that the birth rate is actually lower than the death rate. This is because birth control is affordable, and there are so many other distractions to life that chasing the wife around the bedroom is rather low on the list. Seriously. Europe, the US, anywhere developed, we need to import people.

So, we can help countries to develop, or we can provide RISUG to them. Or some combination of both. In any event, there is a simple solution to this problem. All we need to do is implement it.

Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate

The autobaun, where something like 75% of the wrecks are fatal.

Browncoats Unite!

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