While we have major bridges in this country collapsing and entitlements are 60% of the federal budget, it seems that Republicans and Democrats are in a competition to see who can bankrupt America first. Bush is doing his best to turn an unpopular war from a multi-billion dollar boondoggle into a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle. The Democrats are in close competition for a party that does not control the Executive branch. On two recent votes they have by-passed the wishes of the majority of Americans to stem the tide of illegal immigrants. Their one up-manship to the President was to vote that illegal immigrants are entitled to collect Farm Money subsides as well as to vote that they are entitled to collect welfare benefits.
There is no reason to be disheartened. Like the coach says: "Score, if you are gonna play." To join a discussion group dedicated to forming an Independent Internet 3rd party, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
davidfarrarThe Unity Cyber Party
I urge you all to join the growing movement to throw these un-American fools out of their cushy, bought and paid for jobs.
No one truly represents you.
No one listens to you.
Re-elect no one in 2025.