I was very interested in the possibilities here. Ive been reading and participating in various areas and I see a problem that might make this a waist of time.
This is a forum where Liberals who don't want to affiliate with the democratic party and Conservatives who don't want to affiliate with the GOP ended up.
I have debated issues with some incredibly intelligent people. But all we seem to be doing, is arguing from a liberal and conservative standpoint. It seems to me that if we are to come together, we will have to start agreeing on something. How can we all support a single candidate?.
Please tell me something that will keep me interested in the U08 possibilities.
What can we agree on?????
I think many Americans want the same thing for their country, there are simply vast differences on how to achieve these things.
Safe & clean neighborhoods; schools that prepare children to compete in the world; competant & honest civil servants (from your mail man to your Congressman); a reasonable abundance of job opportunities; preservation of basic liberties such as religious, political, and social association, as well as freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, and a basic right to privacy; making "life, liberty, & the persuit of happiness" more than just a soundbyte; a national defense able to respond and cushion the population from harm or crisis; and for America to be regarded as a land of opportunity, prosperity, and integrity by all nations of the world.
These may seem like only grand phrases but they embody my best understanding about what our nation seeks to be, and I feel like many would agree or wish for these circumstances if given the option. But what does what I just said mean? (It's ok to be confused, I get that a lot).
1. Safe & clean neighborhoods - Most everyone wants a town where they aren't overwhelmed with the smell and eyesore of trash piles or people using public spaces like a bathroom. People also wish to feel safe and not like they must watch over their shoulder and clench their belongings. If you ask me, every corner should have a streetlight and a trashcan. These things require ample resources for municiple employees. What can be done to make sure emergency services and local employees have everything they need to do the best possible job? Dare I say it, do we need more local taxes?
2. Schools that prepare children to compete in the world - A reality is that children in many other industrialized nations spend more days in school than many American children. Another reality is that our schools (more often in impoverished areas) have overworked and understaffed faculty, and often don't even have updated text books or computers. Should we consider reorganizing our school schedules to keep kids in classes more? Should we consider school vouchers to give poorer children the chance to learn at top flight schools? Should we consider greater incentives for educators to draw more young people into the field, and keep more experienced teachers there? And I personally think the government should pay for anyone who wants to attend a public college/university.
3. Competant & honest civil servants - No matter if it's Congress or handling utilities or enforcing laws clear training and guidelines should be in place. Citizen review boards for police is an idea embraced widely in the U.K. but absent from many towns and cities in the U.S. Accountability must return to a government so complex that it can often just point fingers at each other until people get tired of asking questions. A bill before congress now would require all members to make public the "earmarks" they add to spending bills. I have no problem with government pork, but if you believe that government contract should go to your district, why not say so?
4. A reasonable abundance of job opportunities- You can't be guarenteed your dream job, but there should be ample work for people no matter what their education. Any welfare system needs to stress training and job placement. Maybe companies that downsize to help profit margins should either give more notice, or offer some kind of "firing bonus" so the newly unemployed aren't also newly broke.
5. Preservation of basic liberties such as religious, political, and social association, as well as freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, and a basic right to privacy - Seperation of church and state doesn't mean the two can't see each other, only that they shouldn't live together. Also I dislike the notion that people in favor of gun control are out to take everyone else's gun. The right to protect your home and family is a fundamental one, but background checks, and limits on the number of weapons or ammo you can own are reasonable so that incidents like Waco and Virginia Tech can be as minimalized as possible. Seriously, why do you need more than two M-16's?
6. Making "life, liberty, & the persuit of happiness" more than just a soundbyte- Some people are happiest when their with their same sex partner. Some people are the most free when they're smoking a joint. And some of our sickest citizens are most alive when they're allowed to die. Are these acts mortal sins? I'm not sure, and even if you are sure, it doesn't make you right. God will know who has lead a good life, and who hasn't. Until you get to the Almighty, America should do everything to preserve your view of "life, liberty, & the persuit of happiness" (short of threatening others).
7. A national defense able to respond and cushion the population from harm or crisis - Our nation will never be 100% safe and 100% free, to be 100% of either means we've given up too much of the other. Still we need a military with the ability to crush any aggressor, and rescue anyone in peril. Since Hurricane Katrina I've come to question our ability to do this.
8. For America to be regarded as a land of opportunity, prosperity, and integrity by all nations of the world - Not everyone is going to like us, but to assume we can just kill everyone who doesn't like us is short sighted and irrational. But our citizens should be free to travel the world (while obeying local laws) and not feel isolated by regions of the world that see us as selfish and imperialistic. To be a world leader we have to consider our nation's impact and attitude towards others, and we will have to be twice as ethical to be seen as half as moral.
If you read through all that, thanks, and while I'm sure you didn't agree with all of it, you had to agree with something. What was it? And where can we go from here that will be in the best interests of all Americans?
I would agree with all of it. Im a very conservative (traditional) person. I dont believe in getting into other people's business. The problem is when people get into my business. Like teaching my kids in school that homosexuality is an option. Like not enforcing the border. I live in a city where the population is rediculous and the crime rate is unbelivable. So although I agree, how do you handel the finite issues?
I dont want to attack other countries. But if they are going to attack my family, I vote to nuke them..
Before the last forum restructuring, there was a thread started by a member GEA, where he had a list of what he called "super majority" positions - where an overwhelming majority could agree. I can't remember all, but here are some:
- Border Security - enforce our borders and immigration laws (what to do with the illegals here is another matter, but stop it from getting worse)
- Redistricting - stop "Gerrymandering" where a district is created that is eitehr overwhelmingly republican or democrat - have the districts drawn by impartial computer programs.
- Fiscal responsibility - bring on balanced budgets
- Pork control - no more adding unrelated spending riders to bills
- Legislative review - make bills be posted for public review and comment BEFORE they're voted on.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
The link to the Supermajority Forum is here: http://unity08.com/node/1161
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Please update delegates on the status of the issues/candidates polls. The more time that passes the more they are needed.
I see issues and poles all of the time. They all say the same thing: We as Americans are getting fed up with the way our country is being and has been run.
I offer only the Congressman Ron Paul(R) in 2025 solution. HE is the ONLY HONEST candidate running. His voting history and personal history are without foul. Mainstream media hides his message of truth. Look him up!
-Never took a government junket
-Never Voted for a congressional pay raise
-Voted against the Patriot Act
-Voted against the Iraq War
-Never voted against an unbalanced budget or borrowing from foriegn countries
-Always votes within the bounds of the Constitution
-Will STOP Illegal Immigration
-Will get us out of Iraq
-Will wipe out the IRS and the Income Tax
-Will put sound money backed by gold and silver back into circulation
-Will get us out of Iraq and out of foriegn wars
And so much much more that will be GREAT for this country. I was blessed with finding him by watching the first Republican Debate.
Vote in someone who will never sell out....
Ron Paul for President
Issues/candidates polls were supposed to be here last week, per Bob Roth. I would like for the U08 leadership to at least give an update on the situation since they said it would be here last week. If I have over looked a message regarding this please accept my apology, if not then update the delegates. No response will only confirm my suspision that the U08 leadership is afraid of the potential results of a candidate/issues poll.
U08, if you build it they will come, well you built it and everyone came. It is now time to PLAY BALL!
Thats what Im thinking. Were here, debating issues and really doing alot of arguing.
What I see as far as media coverage of U08, is that we are unified.
I dont see any direction. Is there someone who is going to bring us together so we can get something done, or are we just arguing?.
Where is the U80 leadership?. Promoting U08?.
FreedomWorks is conducting this nationwide online straw poll to measure where the candidates stand among our members. The GOP Strawpoll ends at midnight, August 2nd, and the totals will be reported back to FreedomWorks members and the national media. The FreedomWorks Democrat Strawpoll will be held the second week of August.
Select Candidate Name Current Votes
Sam Brownback (R) Votes 128 Votes (1.1 %)
Newt Gingrich (R) Votes 533 Votes (4.5 %)
Rudy Giuliani (R) Votes 357 Votes (3 %)
Mike Huckabee (R) Votes 509 Votes (4.3 %)
Duncan Hunter (R) Votes 789 Votes (6.7 %)
John McCain (R) Votes 74 Votes (0.6 %)
*Ron Paul (R) Votes 6876 Votes (58.2 %)
Mitt Romney (R) Votes 552 Votes (4.7 %)
Tom Tancredo (R) Votes 237 Votes (2 %)
Tommy Thompson (R) Votes 25 Votes (0.2 %)
Fred Thompson (R) Votes 1735 Votes (14.7 %)
This is what a real grassroots effort looks like!
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and get a free country!
And when the democratic one gets done, I hope to see the same for Kucinich (I actually like Gravel, but feel he's too old).
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
I like Ron Paul but am conserned where he stands on foriegn policy. It sounds like he plans to have no involvment in the world. What will he do to kepp Iran from getting nukes?. What about the Taliban and Al Quadia? I havent heard him say anything other than staying out of that business. I do like alot of what he says, just kind of worried. Maybe I've missed some info. Thanks..
That is a hilarious conclusion, but it seems accurate to some extent. To think that an attempt to find a middle ground attracts both ends of the spectrum better than the middle is amazing, but perhaps logical.
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You think? Maybe if we had one, outstanding and clear mandate for change for the better that covers a lot of ground and kind of encompasses the whole theme of unity 08 for America.
Of course, we'd probably argue about that. We're so used to arguing, it seems.
Just a thought.