Abolish the FEDERAL RESERVE the ROOT of our problems

posted by perkywa on July 25, 2025 - 1:09pm

Why isn't anybody here talking about the crux of the nations problems? OUR MONEY is controlled by a PRIVATE BANK. Every dollar they print costs at least $1.33 with interest. In other words every time they print another dollar WE go further into DEBT. This institution is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL. It was created at the same time as the UN-RATIFIED 16th Amendment which created the UNCONSTITUTIONAL INCOME TAX.

WAR means BIG PROFITS for the private bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve. Why do you think we have had nearly constant warfare since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913? Lord Mayer Rothschild (primary owners of the Federal Reserve) said "Give me control of a nations money and I care not who runs the government". What do you think he meant by that?

WAKE UP!!! The same people who control OUR money also own the Media and have bought and paid for our politicians. It is time to end this monopoly and take away the power of the Federal Reserve and stop paying interest on OUR MONEY.


The last guy to try to abolish the Fed was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Gee I wonder if that had something to do with his murder?

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I agree.

I have 4 1-page attachments about the Federal Reserve debt and interest money system.

If you wish, you can request them by email. My address is richardjohnmann@yahoo.com

Amen Richard,

Couldn't of said it better myself, but do you think the unity movement can recruit enough members to make a difference. A lot of people are not educated about the private banking system and the fed reserve chairman. Most of us were brain washed or not told the truth and now it is ingrained in us. If you educate people on this issue there should be an outrage, but most just look at you with disbeleif and surprise, then on to their normal busy lives. It's sad isn't it, most believe they actually are making a different choice when they vote for mainstream ( bicameral) politicians, little do they know they are all in the same pocket of the banking system and corporations and special interest groups. Well Good day to you and keep up the good work.

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