
posted by archangel on July 17, 2025 - 2:47am

Leiberman's a congressional insider. He knows how the system works. And, he remains loyal
to the principles that have guided him as opposed to John McCain who's surrendered his
principles. Bloomberg, another Independent, appears a man dedicated to the best interests

of the country. This ticket, if successful, would give us 8 years of a Leiberman presidency
followed by 8 years of Bloomberg as Commander in Chief.

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Leiberman has been a Democrat and Bloomberg a Republican. Leiberman is already an Independent and Bloomberg has announced he is Independent. Bloomberg has been a Democrat. Bloomberg has the money and Leiberman was the Democrat's VP candidate and has name recognition. Leiberman is also Jewish which could help in winning New York and Florida. There is a center left tilt, but business folks may vote for a successful business owner in Bloomberg. If the current leads hold both the Democrats and Republicans could have a candidate from New York. Looks like a combination to be taken seriously and can contend for votes.

My sentiments exactly. Here's a combination that would provide good, honest, sound, leadership for our country. These two real Americans will put our country first; above party politics. What a breath of fresh air and a feeling of confidence they would bring to the people!

Will Unity08 be conducting a poll? Let's have one -- and I'm betting on Lieberman and Bloomberg, and, please spell Lieberman's name correctly.

LIEberman and Bloomberg would be excellent candidates for Israel but not for the USA. Get real!

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and put America first not Israel!

While I like Leiberman and want him somewhere on the ticket, Leiberman Bloomberg is just a moderate Democrat ticket. Both of those guys are Democrats or would be if Democrats had not taken that sharp left. What I think would compliment Leiberman would be a small government conservative with otherwise compatible views, or even a neo-con.

I could vote for this Ticket


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