Something we could try

posted by JackPhillipsII on July 16, 2025 - 3:51pm

Consider how much fuel the Federal Government uses on a daily basis. What if, they (we) set out to make the government completely independant of foreign energy sousces? This would include the Military, the Post Office, the Forest Service .... etc.

We could start by adding solar panels to all government buildings. We could then fund research and development projects for other types of energy. There is, of course, already hydrogen and ethanol research going on. There are also many ideas bouncing around out there that can be given a fair chance. For instance, what about methane? How much methane could we extract from waste products that we just throw away now? It is already a green house gas. If we run it through a motor, at least it's doing double duty. (no pun intended)

The Government would then commit to buying the products developed and allow them to be marketed to the general population.

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Unfortunately, it will require a different administration - one not owned by the oil companies.
In my opinion, the Navy, by going nuclear, was way ahead of the rest of government.
I think some of the closed military bases should be sited for nuclear plants - a latter-day Tennessee Valley Authority - producing electricity and releasing all that fuel for transportation. Research into making synthetic oil from coal cleanly and efficiently (the Nazis did it) is another avenue that should be pursued. Landfills produce methane. There are many potentially cheaper solar panel technologies that need the economies of scale to be more economic - the government could do that, too - if it wanted to.
I don't think there is one "silver bullet" for solving the dwindling oil supply, but it does take leadership and commitment.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

That's the reason we are here. To come up with constructive ideas and possibly elect a president that will put them into practice.

hi, this is my first post, just wanted to get this link out for people to know there are ways to generate electricity without all the power plants, the government just won't let it happen. Here's a link you look at. This guy has it invented but guess how is trying to keep it quite, they have even put him in prison.

it's worth the read

i have links to engine modifications also, i will put up, i just need to find them.

thx for this opportunity to communicate.

Several military bases, at least two GM plants and lots of other buildings are powered by methane from landfills.

We just need to expand the practice.

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