
posted by ShadowJester on July 2, 2025 - 6:27pm

So the Republican and Democratic parties have their own symbols, the donkey and the elephant, and while the subject is not a pressing matter, as say building a platform and working on the issues, I feel that having a common symbol for the party to have would give us a "face" if you will. So I thought that in here we could discuss ideas and eventually vote on a party symbol.

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Ben Franklin liked the turkey, TR had the moose, Ross Perot resembled a turtle, we don't want the armadillo because of the jokes Texans tell about them being in the middle of the road, and the ostrich is out of the question for obvious reasons. That leaves the bear, the buck (starts & stops here), and the bison.

I propose a handshake - 2 hands joined in a handshake, each hand repesentative of one of the 2 main parties.

Another suggestion would be a candle.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

The Grim Reaper would signify the death of the GOP and Democrat parties corrupt leadership. After the next election it will be clear to the rank and file of each or the two major parties that they have inept and corrupt leadership. This should open the eyes of the rank a file and they themselves will replace their corrupt leaders.

I vote for that.

Maybe one hand red, the other blue to keep it different. I think white and black might be taken. Is that the United Way's symbol?

A light bulb would be kinda funny to have as a symbol ;-)

A Democrat seeks complex solution to simple problems
A Republican seeks simple solutions to complex problems
A reasonable person seeks simple solutions for solvable problems

I suggest the Owl - wise, seeing thru darkness and moderate/measured but effective in actions. Wisdom in our actions is what we need to strive for in our party and our nation. Waterston even looks like an owl!!

DC - 3rd ward -

How about something different from the solitary animal figure symbol that both the Dems and the Repubs use? Two animals to represent the bipartisan cooperation that Unity08 represents? Two animals that best reflect a centrist perspective. Two domesticated animals that represent the mutually held commonalities of Americans. Domesticated because it speaks to the true America---two of their favorite family members (not even pets). Picture two animals sitting next to one another, slightly in front of one another, yet gazing in opposite directions, past one another, to symbolize their vigilance and watchfulness for the sake of the other (got each other's back covered). Something different, yet familiar and comforting too. Well known by all Americans and noble in their loyalty. How about a dog and a cat?

Who could resist voting for two of America's best friends?

A compass pointing up (north) with red converging from the east and blue converging from the west and green converging from the south. All fading to white at the top.

Bill"for what we are together"

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