Look At Gubernatorial Experience

posted by st8oftheunion on June 25, 2025 - 1:02pm

Any candidate who is currently running, among the two major parties, would remain interested in becoming President should the oudated primary/convention system eliminate that candidate. I am especially interested in the candidates with Gubernatorial experience and unfortunately the press and media is not including them in thier coverage of the "coronated 6". The exception would be Mitt Romney, but I would be thrilled to have an organization (Unity 08) and its' delegates to consider something like a Gilmore/Richardson ticket or Richardson/Huckabee because they bring a true governing style that works with our system. The American people like governors even though the press and media don't. This can be be confirmed in the likes of Presidents Carter, Reagan, Clinton and George W, all former governors.

Don Briscar
Rocky Mount, NC

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Don Briscar
Rocky Mount, NC

Excellent idea there Don. Governors have the best and most innovative ideas and deal with real life situations where the rubber meets the road. Unity should be soliciting Governors for ideas/perspectives on issues. as such I would love to hear from governors past and present not running in the other dog and pony show - Arnie the S, Janet Napalitano, Bob Kerrey, Mario Cuomo, evan Bayh, Vilsack, Ridge, Jeb Bush, Mark Warner, Tim Pawlenty, Gary Locke, Jennifer Granholm, Jerry Brown, etc.

THESE are the real people who have REAL life experiences in bridging those 'ends-means disconnects' I rant on ad nauseum. THAT is the type of expertise unity need to tap into. THAT is the Mother Lode that will really make Unity a player - that is if we can tap into that somehow.

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com


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