Vice President nominating

posted by chadagg on June 16, 2025 - 9:16pm

I felt like I was a little misled (as I'm sure many people were and would be) when I realized that we the Delegates would not actually be selecting the Vice President. I was under the impression that the Unity ticket would represent the very best of both parties. Why isn't this the case?

The common sense answer is to have a few rounds of voting and award the presidential position to the candidate with the highest votes - that's obvious. Next, you have a few more rounds of voting to select a potential candidate from a separate party. This is great for at least two reasons. First, if a Delegate's top-pick was not nominated as President, he/she could hope for getting the VP position for his/her top-pick. This mentality will attract more people to become Delegates. Also, the resulting ticket will be much stronger and will be better-supported by the public.

As an additional rule, the presidential candidates could have the option of recommending who they believe would be a good running mate and campaign with the idea of that potential ticket.

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