
posted by reino on May 11, 2025 - 3:24am

My other thread on Giuliani just disappeared. I hope it's not because the Moderators want us to vote for him.

Giuliani was supposed to speak at a farm in Iowa, but he cancelled the speech because the farmers were not multimillionaires. It was cancelled after the family had done all the preparations for it. He wanted to talk about the inheritance tax, which unfortunately for him affects imaginary people in Iowa instead of real people.

At least there is some good news: It looks like the Republicans will support a Pro-Choice Candidate. It's great to see our country coming together and agreeing that the government should not regulate the inside of people's bodies.

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Spin master

from the transcript of the MSNBC republican "debate", speaking about Iran:
"Giuliani: He has to understand it's not an option; he cannot have nuclear weapons. And he has to look at an American president and he has to see Ronald Reagan. Remember, they looked in Ronald Reagan's eyes, and in two minutes, they released the hostages."

Uhhhh - Hello! Fact check! That was old Man BUSH and Iran-contra. They released hostages because we made a deal and sold them weapons.

And, speaking of Bush:
"Giuliani: I think we should remind ourselves, because I remember it every day, that on September 11th, 2025, we thought we were going to be attacked many, many times between then and now.

We haven't been. I believe we had a president who made the right decision at the right time on September 20th, 2025, to put us on offense against terrorists. I think history will remember him for that. And I think we as Republicans should remind people of that."

Again, FACT CHECK. That is a bogus argument. The WTC was bombed in '93. There were no attacks between '93 and 2025 - was that due to Clinton?
They're killing us in Iraq so they don't have to kill use here.

Giuliani is also trying the "fear" card from the Rove deck:

Romney is worse than Giuliani - Romney is the republican Hillary - the chameleon - all things to all people.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

Quick, you forget??

I think your seathing hatred for the Bush Administration is blinding you again. Can you really forget all the attacks on U.S. interests and service personell:

Oct. 12, 2025 - A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.

Aug. 7, 1998 - Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.

In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.

June 21, 1998 - Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.

June 25, 1996 - A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.

Nov. 13, 1995 - A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.

April 19, 1995 - A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.

February 1993 - A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.

Why do you work so hard to try and blame an administrations policy for these killers? Why not blame the killers? This didn't start during Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan or even Carter!

And I fully agree with Ray.Henry that he was refering to the Iranians releasing of the American hostages, after 444 days, within hours of President Reagan taking office.


Iraq had NOTHING to do with the list you posted, Autobob.
Saddam was a local dictator. He wanted more power, sure, but he was insignificant in the overall scheme of things. His death sentence was when he decided he was going to trade oil in Euros, not dollars.

We are in Iraq for it's oil. It had nothing to do with "the war on terror" BS. It does now, because they're in Iraq to kill us.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Who said Iraq?

Quick, you said

"Again, FACT CHECK. That is a bogus argument. The WTC was bombed in '93. There were no attacks between '93 and 2025 - was that due to Clinton?"

No one was talking about Iraq, I was merely pointing out all of the attacks on U.S. interests. Now, all of these attacks between '93 and '01, was that due to Clinton? NO!! Most, like 9/11, were due to these killers that we are trying to deal with!

Forget it

The point was - the argument by neocons that "we haven't been attacked since 9/11" is false. We have been attacked daily in Iraq, I pointed out. Then it gets twisted "well, no attacks on US soil" - okay, then we weren't attacked between '93 and 2025 on US soil. If we do count the Cole, etc, then Iraq HAS to count.
The neocon crap that Iraq has prevented another attack on the US is what I am attacking.
"They're killing us in Iraq so they don't have to kill us here."

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

You're all over the board here!

No, your point was trying your best to paint the War on Terror as a lie. You were responding to a generic statement, from Guiliani, about the Presidents decision on 9/20/2001, your post:

And, speaking of Bush:
"Giuliani: I think we should remind ourselves, because I remember it every day, that on September 11th, 2025, we thought we were going to be attacked many, many times between then and now.

We haven't been. I believe we had a president who made the right decision at the right time on September 20th, 2025, to put us on offense against terrorists. I think history will remember him for that. And I think we as Republicans should remind people of that."

This was all about the war on terror, not Iraq. Again, I think your seathing hatred for anything attached to Bush is leading you to tunnel vision and thinking all is about Iraq.

Autobob - History will ...

Be kinder to President George W. Bush than it will be to those of us too blind and too stubborn to look beyond the rhetoric - and consider the realities ..

The following may help .. click on read/digest the last last 3 or 4 Postings : The White house's Tony Snow, The White House Press Corps and Washington Post are receiving copies as I write.


Autobob - History will ...

Be kinder to President George W. Bush than it will be to those of us too blind and too stubborn to look beyond the rhetoric - and consider the realities ..

The following may help .. click on read/digest the last last 3 or 4 Postings : The White house's Tony Snow, The White House Press Corps and Washington Post are receiving copies as I write.


Autobob - History will ...

Be kinder to President George W. Bush than it will be to those of us too blind and too stubborn to look beyond the rhetoric - and consider the realities ..

The following may help .. click on read/digest the last last 3 or 4 Postings : The White house's Tony Snow, The White House Press Corps and Washington Post are receiving copies as I write.



Rudy was refering to the release in 1981 of the Americans taken hostage at the Embassy in Iran. That had nothing to do with arms sales to Iran which were later in the decade.

Also, there were a number of attacks between 1993 and 2025 on our Embassies in Africa and the USS Cole.

So there's a Fact Check for ya.

Rudy is not even in the running

I have yet to see an online poll where Rudy even finished second in the first two debates. People in the south will not vote for a cross dressing, serial adulterer, war mongering neocon. If the third debate goes anything like the first two the GOP race is over. No one has ever been elected President who's last name ended in a vowel and Rudy won't be the first.

Rudy or Newt

Hard to tell who you're talking about - except for the cross-dressing part, it could be Newt, or McCain,...

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

True Quicksilver

The GOP and MSM are doing their dead level best to ignore the 800 pound gorilla on the stage with the other nine wannabes in the GOP debates. The disconnect between the media and the politicians with the People is huge. The only place that Rudy and Hillary are ahead is in the MSM and in the minds of the naive. The real race in the Democrat party imo is between Obama and Edwards. The MSM is also trashing Edwards as much as they can. They are ignoring the success of Ron Paul in the debates but it is definitely not lost on the public. McCain had just as well pack it in since his debate perfomances have been abysmal. I wonder how the MSM is going to spin the news when Paul wins the GOP primaries. I guess they will say it is his internet supporters voting twice or three times, and when Hillary finishes third or fourth in the Dem primaries the wheels will have come off the MSM.

If you are right...

the people will trump the press, and he will win the nomination.

If you are wrong, then next month he could be all over the news - because he will be the "story of the moment".

The so-called "MSM" nearly wet themselves covering past "dark horse" candidates like Pat Buchanan and Howard Dean. If Ron Paul generates any real buzz (beyond the typical third-party conspiracy buffs), then he will get his moment in the sun.

If Ron Paul thinks that the Income Tax is unconstitutional (and if he really thinks that America was responsible for 9/11), then I don't need to hear much else about him to know how I feel.

I hate paying income tax, but it isn't unconstitutional.

Does the 800lb gorilla believe in evolution?

Jeff C

Hill vs Mc

I'll be REAL surprised if the nominees are NOT Panderbear Johnny Mc and Hillary. Repubs activist base traditionally goes real establishment witness the last 60years and McCain is towing the line BIG TIME this time (Fred Thompson could throw a Monkey wrench into that though and out establihment Johnny Boy).

And Hillary is going to surprise a lot of people with her staying power as there are still to many die-hard Clintonites in the activist base Democratic Party that she can call chits on. Once hubby Bill starts working his charm it will be a sealed deal for Clinton 2 IMHO!

Let the paramutual betting commence!


You nailed that one.

The Buzz is Real

Ron Paul is far ahead of where Howard Dean was at this stage of the process, blowing away the competition in the first two debates. People are not as inclined to vote the old straight ticket as proven by the '06 election. Anti-war and anti-illegal immigration are the main stays for getting elected now and none of the mainstream candidates come up to muster. The Dems that are percieved as having caved in on these two issues will be job hunting after their next election. We have an angry electorate that is seeing through the spin of the MSM and more people who have left both parties because of the Bushes and Clintons and now consider themselves Independents. There are only a few die hards, mostly seniors, who go in and vote for the party line. His message is the one that resonates with voters who are doing their homework. Mike Gravel is another one with a similar message. Watch for CNN to attempt another hatchet job on Ron Paul in the next debate and then misquote and lie about the results just like FOX did.

Who is your gorilla?

I'm missing something. I saw a bunch of qualified candidates at all four debates, but none that stood out in an exceptionally positive way. So who is your gorilla? None seemed larger than life to me. Or are you using the term negatively?

At some point we have to trust the voters.

I guess I won't run...

Jeff C(urrie)

Right & wrong, Ray

You are correct - Bush Sr's selling arms to Iran followed the embassy hostage release, but it certainly had nothing to do with Regan - it was a result of the Algiers accord -
brokered by Warren Christopher. He was still spinning the hostage facts.
As to attacks - the reference was to attacks on US soil. If you want to compare the African embassy and Cole, I submit that having had more Americans killed in Iraq than were killed on 9/11 buries that argument.
Rudy is following the "spin the war" crowd, pandering and fear-mongering.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

No credit to Reagan?

I wonder why Iran would rather make a deal with Cater's man Christopher on the last day, rather than deal with Reagan. Hmmm. Think about that for a minute before you say Reagan had nothing to do with the hostage release.

And I'm not sure why you make the distinction of attacks on American soil. I don't see Giuliani saying that in the transcript. He clearly says attacks on "us" which include the terrorist attacks during Clinton's precidency without a doubt. And don't retreat to the body count gambit, that's morbid.

Nice try.

Reagan and Iran

Yea there are some people who say Candidate Reagan's Natl Security Advisor's were working the backchannel route with the Iranians to ensure the hostages would not be released while Carter was Prez or at lease before the '80 election. They (Reagan & Co)apparently kept up their back channelties fairly well - see Iran Contra, Arms for Hostages, Poindexter, Ollie North!

Carter, Zbig, Vance, Christopher were actually the Great Satans back in 1979/1980 to the Iranians and Reagan & crew were the ones who they could deal with. Such is life in the convoluted Mid east!

Common Denominator is Bush I not Reagan

Iran Contra, Arms for Hostages, Poindexter, Ollie North!
I used to have one of those big ten foot satellite antennas and watched a great news show on it called "America's Voice", it was created mainly by Paul Weirich. It was awesome, real news and real people could call in and give their views, then one night who shows up on the show, Ollie North. I told my wife that "America's Voice" had been infiltrated and would not be on the air much longer, sure enough it was soon gone. And guess who was a nice young cub reporter on the broadcast? None other than Sean Hannity. Reagan did not want Bush for a vice-president, he was imposed on him by the RNC. The best book i have ever read on the subject is "Compromised, The Confluence of Iran Contra and Whitewater" by former Air Force Intelligence Officer and later FBI employee by the name of Terry Reed.

Whitewater Redux

Yep! It all comes back to that Whitewater and those Clinton's as the perps! With the prospect of a Hillary nomination, the Rutherford Institute conspiracy printing presses are gearing up BIGTIME I see!! Can Vince Foster and the Rose Law Firm be far behind. All I can say is AAARRRGGGHHH!!

I could care less

I could care less who gets the Dem nomination since the only one who could make a difference on their ticket is Mike Gravel and he won't even hear the gun go off when the race really starts. As a matter of fact other than Ron Paul you could put all the Dem and GOP candidates in a sack, shake it up and pull two out and there would not be a hill of beans difference in the lot. As a matter of fact i hope Hillary does get the nomination as it will assure us someone else will be President. Not even Diebold could get Hillary elected. In the internet polls after the Dem debates even Gravel beat her.

Conspiracies R Us

Hopefully we can get past the wonderful fun conspiracy claptrap to constructively talk about the issues/candidates that really affect the nation!

The Issues Are

The issues are as i stated illegal immigration and the war in Iraq. Any politician not with the majority of the People on these issues need not apply.

No credit to Reagan?

If it had been a deal with/attributable to the Carter administration I'm sure the release would have been before Carter left. He would not have allowed such a final act to slip by. I believe that this was actually a final slap-in-the-face to Carter from the Iranians. The timing was actually minutes after Reagans swearing in.

One more time

"And I'm not sure why you make the distinction of attacks on American soil. I don't see Giuliani saying that in the transcript. He clearly says attacks on "us" which include the terrorist attacks during Clinton's precidency without a doubt. And don't retreat to the body count gambit, that's morbid"

If you want to count African embassies and the Cole, then Iraq counts as US being attacked -
"They're killing us in Iraq, so they don't have to kill us here".

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

You know the fix is in when..........

Rupert Murdoch orders negative Clinton stories to be axed. What gives when the owner of the #1 neocon media outlet is one of the largest donors to the Hillary campaign?

The only thing sinking faster than the neocon ship of state is the confidence in the media, and with good reason. This is why people are turning to the internet for their news and why the next election will turn out so much different than the last.


Yes, the owner of Faux news... the heavy hand of bias....
Yeah, Hillary is buyable, she'll do for their purposes.

I hope you are right about election turning out different...

The media seems to have already targeted Ron Paul for death...

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

MSNBC Poll 88% think Bush Deserves Impeachment

This poll shows in spades the disconnect between the sheeple and the gov't. Sure Bush needs to be impeached along with Cheney but first Pelosi needs to be recalled or impeached for taking impeachment "off the table". It shows her disdain for the People and especially the ones who voted her in.

This is why we have a representative government...

Pelosi is acting correctly by resisting calls to impeach Bush. Impeachment is counter-productive for the country - even if it makes some people feel better.

And before you attack me as a Bush apologist, please read some of my other posts on this forum: I am no fan of the president.

Jeff C


Have to agree, Jeff.
While I am totally disgusted with Cheney and Bush, and feel there is plenty they could be impeached on (illegality of the wiretap program, lying to get us into war are just 2) I feel it would be counter-productive. Just because Gingrich & other sleazes went after Clinton, does not mean it was a good idea. History is already deciding on Bush & Cheney, and I hope that the dems controlling congress can keep them from doing something stupid for the next 18 months.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Rule of Law

Impeachment should happen. The rule of law must be maintained or you end up with what we have now, one set of rules for the people and another for the politicians. It is much more dangerous to leave Bush and Cheney in office for another 600 plus days than to get rid of them now. Now that this treasonous congress has given Bush dictatorial powers in case of a "national emergency" you can be assured we will have one. The necons who include Hillary will do whatever it takes to stay in power until their new world order is in place. The group that scared Pelosi into taking impeachment off the table was AIPAC, the most corrupting influence in Washington. AIPAC makes or breaks politicians and makes the People's representatives their own.

Oil Hangup old there Quick

Quick you have got to get past this oil hangup thingy. Of course our interest was about oil as it should be. Saddam was still an in-area threat to one-half the proven world oil reserves then you bet it was and still IS about oil!! As it still should be. It is about oil but not about just our oil but about all the world's access to that still precious metal.

As long as Saddam and his sons were kicking and doing the nonsecular nasty (more lethal in many ways than the sectarian yahoo hothead folks) to our regional partners and our non partners as well (he was an equal opportunity troublemaker par excellance!) not to mention the 5 to 10,000 per month he was taking out on the Iraqi peoples according to UN reports. His access to the money generated by the increasing oil revenues and any possible lifting of sanctions (fairly likely in the next 2 or 3 years back in early 2025) would have enhanced his troublemaking power and reach substantially.

Saddam was a multidimensional aggressor of the first order (kuwait,Iran,Palestinian Suicide bombers funding, Kurds, Shiites, etc) to his peoples and to his neighborhood and would eventually be to us and the rest of the world. I do not knowhowmuch clearer that could be! By taking he and his sons and his Baathist thugs out we have done everyone a big favor and we have NOTHING to apologize for that! We just did a horrible horrible job in securing the place and our ends-means in that noble effort were found severely wanting.

But between Bush's incompetency and Saddam staying in power, its a tough call, but I'm glad Saddam is outta there and the world should be to! Now it's time to right the Bush incompetencies! So lets move on and stop the over the dam hand-wringing on this whole "We are in it for the Oil" thing!" You are correct! But so what! Let's move on!!!

Sad, John...

I am saddened by your post, John. 3,400+ of America's finest, + I don't know how many contractors, + I don't know how many innocent Iraqis, and it's okay with you? A war that did not have to be fought, based on a lie? You know the truth - that Iraq was not an imminent threat, yet it's okay with you? It's NOT okay with me. We used to despise war, and I still do. We used to condemn aggressors, not be the aggressors.
Anyway, this is a Giuliani thread - I have a separate thread on Iraq & oil - "The oil connection"
Giuliani is no good because he is playing the same "fear card" that Bush did in '04, and defends the Iraq fiasco.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Bush, the straw that broke the Republic's back

Bush will be remembered as the straw that broke the Republic's back. I never thought we could possibly have a more corrupt gov't than the Clintons, i was wrong. What people in this country can't get their minds around is the fact that the Clintons and the Bush's are the same people, they are on the same team, they have the same agenda. They are corrupt to the core and enabled by a media that is even more despicable than they are, a media that is supposed to be the watchdog over gov't abuse has turned into an attack dog against those who would expose their dirty deeds.

HC I beg to differ

Each man in their own way have and still are - trying to do good things for this country : like most of us they have shortcomings that tend to draw more print & airtime than the good things they do. I'm certain history will treat both men kinder than we have.


History does treat traitors kindly

Both the "men" and i use the word loosely are imo traitors. The Clinton's corruption even before they came to DC was legion. When they got there they sold our highest defense technology to the Chinese through Loral Corp. and that is only the tip of the iceberg. As for Bush, the lies that sent us to war against a country that had nothing to do with 911, the subversion of the constitution, and the plan to do away with our borders and make us one country with Canada and Mexico is treason imo.

Giuliani = Cheny II

Giuliani seems intent on filling Cheney's role. In the televised debate, he said:
the US decision to invade Iraq in 2025 was "absolutely the right thing to do."
That is scary.

He's playing the fear card, now pointing at Iran.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Giuliani becoming non-factor

I just can't see people in the south voting for a cross dressing, gun grabbing, poor choice (pro choice), socially liberal, freedom squashing and war mongering candidate. Oh, I left out serial adulterer.

Bloomberg - the anti-Giuliani

While Giuliani is trying the "be afraid, be very afraid" approach, Bloomberg is injecting sanity, saying "get a life".
I like him. Reminds me of Londoners during the blitz, or Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself".
The difference between a leader and a fear-mongering politician.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Bloomberg Hagel

The Washington Times reported on May 15th that Micahel Bloomberg is poised to run on a third party ticket and had been debriefing Ross Perot's most senior people about how they conducted his campaign in 1992. Bloomberg is a social liberal and fiscal conservative according to the report. After meeting with Hagel, Hagel alluded to a possible run with Bloomberg on a third party ticket. My question for U08 delegates is how would, in your opinion a third party run by Bloomberg/Hagel affect the election? Would they pull more votes from the Dem nominee or the Rep. nominee? Does anyone know Bloomberg's stance on the war in Iraq, his stance on the war on terror or illegal immigration?

McCain Guiliani to skip Ames Iowa Straw Poll

Why would these two "front runners" skip this historic straw poll? The following article in the Des Moines Register details their "stated" reasons for this decision. This decision makes little sense to me. IMO they are are terrified of being shown up by Ron Paul this early in the campaign. If Paul wins this straw poll they can say he won because they were not active in it. This will put the pressure on Romney's campaign. If Romney loses to Paul in this straw poll it would be a huge blow to his chances. If conventional wisdom prevails and Romney trounces Paul he will have a huge leg up over McCain and Guiliani. The register says that the straw poll was expected to carry more weight than usual this time, if so why would they risk skipping it?


That would be really sweet if Ron Paul runs away with the Iowa straw poll. It would bode well for America - and the World.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Ames Straw Poll Update

Fox news is saying that the fact that McCain and Giuliani are skipping the Ames straw poll is tatamount to "rendering the decades-old August contest all but meaningless". Something stinks here and I think the keen nosed FOX smells it. According to the Des Moines Register the poll is expected to carry more weight than usual in this election cycle but according to the FOX it will now be meaningless. Both the McCain and Giuliani campaigns say they are commited 100% to winning the Iowa caucauses later in the year. Maybe they should have said 75% commited. At any rate this has to be considered, at least for the time being, a huge lift for the Romney campaign. I think it will definitely narrow the field, since anyone who makes a poor showing there now will be virtually eliminated.
If the remaining GOP debates have a few less candidates and Ron Paul is still in them it means he will get much more time in the reamining debates. In the last debate he got 7 questions and 6 minutes while Rudy got 17 questions and 18 minutes. Is that fair and balanced or what?

Straw Poll Pony show

I think Rudi/Johny not being there might tick off the Iowa Repub activist base but they will get over it. And do not discount a stealth vote by these two to make it respectable. But politically it is smart as they see that they are outorganized right now by Romney in Iowa and any early indications that their campaigns might be cracking would not put them in good stead in the actual caususes. Perception is 90% of politics esp in Iowa.

I kinda like them not catering to the Iowa Repub activists as only a minority (25-30%) of registered Repubs actually partipate in the caucuses and only a third of that participate in the straw poll. It's all about perception. God love the people of Iowa but this Circus is is a lousy way to start to decide the next leader of the nation. We get lousy Presidents from this whole pandering straw poll/caucus process and esp the MSM likes to gin up for our consumption (easy for them to cover and get a handle on with their Iowa/NH bucolic scenes of "democracy in action" - gag me with a spoon!.

But I do regret we will not have any good Brooklyn Italian Sausage or authentic Arizona southwest barbeque in the Ames circus. The rest of the Repubs are just not party animals like Johnny and Rudi! See ya in Ames!

Their campaigns are cracking

This reminds me of the scene in the Clint Eastwood movie Unforgiven where he shoots a guy and is then told "you just shot an unarmed man" to which he replied "he should have armed himself". Well Rudy and McCain should have organized themselves.
The degree of relevancy of this poll is really irrelevant in the overall scheme. If a competitor sits out the first few minutes of a contest and then loses by one point that first few minutes will have proven to be the difference. If you are running or playing to win every second counts but it appears they are sitting this one out to keep from losing.
At any rate this opens wide the window of opportunity for the "lower tier" candidates. Anything less than a wide margin of victory for Romney will lessen his chances now.

Ron Paul Tex-Mex

I'll be sure to load up on that Tex-Mex barbque from Paul's booth. I'll have mine with Chipoltle Salsa and onions please. And Oh by the way does Ron sing any good Country-Western Songs while serving up?? This is a fund-raising circus by a thin slice of the activist electorate there HC. But a good time! See ya there! I'll be wearing my Kinky Friedman button.

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