Frank McEnulty for President

posted by Frank McEnulty on June 28, 2025 - 3:28pm

My name is Frank McEnulty and I am running as an independent candidate for President of the United States in 2025. Crazy right? Well maybe, but I am just way too fed up with how the two major parties are running (or should I say ruining) politics in this country and I feel the need to try and do something about it.

Please visit my website at

I've noticed over the past several years that most of the political ads are pushing a party, rather than ideas or an individual. "Vote for me, I'm a Republican" or "Vote for me, I'm a Democrat" is all one seems to hear any more. What do these people stand for? Nothing until the party tells them to or else they get cut off from the fountain of money.

Do these candidates have independent thoughts? Maybe, but they never voice them in public because it might not be in line with party doctrine.

Do they ever vote for a bill, law or policy because it is the right thing to do for the country? Only if the party tells them it is okay to do so.

Usually, if a Republican introduces a piece of legislation it must be wrong per the Democrats because the Democrats didn't come up with it.

Usually, if a Democrat introduces a piece of legislation it must be wrong per the Republicans because the Republicans didn't come up with it.

What's wrong with just working together to do what is right for the country regardless of what party you are affiliated with?

If you're as disillusioned with how the political process seems to be working as I am let's get together and make them see how upset we are. None of us can do it by ourselves, but if enough of us band together we can and will make them sit up and take notice.

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Where Frank McEnulty Stands on the Issues

Frank McEnulty stands behind his beliefs and challenges all other candidates for the Presidency to state where they stand so that the voting public can clearly see what the other candidates believe in.

I believe we pay enough in taxes and need to better manage our money and simplify the tax system.

I believe people should take responsibility for their own actions and their own lives.

I believe that that we need comprehensive immigration reform based on strict enforcement of the immigration laws currently in place.

I believe the United States should not try to be the world’s savior, but has the moral obligation to "help" where and when it can do so at the request of the local people.

I believe in God, family and country and that they belong together.

I believe that the President of the United States should put America - not his or her political party - first. The President is an American before a Republican or Democrat.

I believe that our military should never be used for political purposes, political gain or to advance an agenda.

I believe that all people are created equal and that all people should be able to be equal in all things.

I believe in a strong separation between the branches of the Federal Government and in strong state’s rights.

I believe that judges should be judges and leave the passing and changing of laws to the politicians we have elected to do those jobs.

I believe that people are truly entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but that no one is entitled to much beyond that unless they work to earn it themselves.

I believe that political correctness is a real threat to open and honest dialogue.

I believe “Anything is Possible in America” and if we all work together for the common good it will continue to be that way.

As I continue down my campaign path I will expand further on the above and other beliefs. It’s hard to actually believe based on the reporting in the news media, but the election is still over 18 months away and a lot can happen in that period of time. I am encouraged every day by the people I hear from that tell me I am on the right track and I strongly believe that if everyone continues to help me get the word out we can and will make a difference in the next election.

A lot of the political talking-heads claim that the final Presidential candidates may be people that aren’t even on the national consciousness just yet. With continued effort and your help, there’s a good chance they will be talking about my campaign in the next year on the major news outlets.

Frank McEnulty

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