Disapointment in Dream Ticket Responses

posted by joncharles on April 28, 2025 - 4:04pm

I am a little distressed at the majority of choices for the dream ticket section here on the Unity08 web site. I thought the idea was to find a ticket that can work together in a bipartisan way. It looks like most of the people are nominating the regular bunch of Democrats with the regular bunch of Republicans. These are the very people who can't seem to work together.

I was hoping to find people on the lists that are well known for going across party lines and can't find any. I thought about nominating myself, but you don't have that option. How can you have a Unity party when people are nominating two Democrats or two Republicans. In some cases you have a left leaning Democrat along with a left leaning Hollywood type. Other cases seem to have two opposites whom will never agree on anything.

I really don't want this to be just a game of wishful thinking. I had hoped this would be a system where we can actually put up an alternative ticket on the November '08 ballot. That can not happen if the nominees are candidates in their home party's election process. That's right, it can not be Obama, McCain, Hillary, Rudy... ect. Maybe what we should look for is a blue dog Democrat and a moderate Republican, or even maybe a Libertarian for that matter.

I think you should get a listing of Democrats and Republicans who can agree to sit down and work together in a bipartisan way to solve problems. You can't do that with the mainstream candidates. Their egos are too big and they have too much money invested in their positions to ever let go.

Lets find some candidates who have shown a willingness to cross party lines to seek bipartisan solutions instead of spouting out talking points the Election committees push on each of the parties.


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The most vocal members (myself excluded) are highly partisan.


BTW, either McCain/Lieberman or Lieberman/Lindsey Graham would be my dream ticket, although I'm sure it would get shouted down by the likes of partisans like Quicksilver and reino.


Lieberman is part of the problem not part of the solution. Unless of course you like war without end. He does not represent the People of the US but the state of Israel.

The dream ticket thing (like almost everything else on this site) is just about marketing. There is no substance to it whatsoever; just put your ticket on your personal page to attract your friends to the site. I am waiting for something substantive to happen, but there's no word from the founders on when they might actually let us do something.

We put so many choices up so that no one would feel we were unduly limiting peoples' choices. It will be the delegates' call which prospective candidates offer leadership that is consistent with U08's spirit. So hopefully other will share your view of the names on the list that you don't like and their incompatibility with U08 will become clear. (And remember: even if they seem like symptoms of Washington's partisan paralysis, there's always hope that some of these leaders will change their approach, perhaps liberated by the opportunity U08 afford them.)

This is not the fight we are now in my friends! Know we are now in a battle over IRV! Will the majority select from a broad range of candidates or will the people be limited by moderates? WILL THEY THEY ALLOW THE RADICALS! This is a fight now being fought in the forest and not out in the sunlight! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
IM: earnsnyder@yahoo.com
For more policies visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

But we have an attack on the flank by mother nature... and in front of us an enemy that never ends until all men are dead... and behind us an outdated infrastructure of straw houses just waiting for the next natural disaster or worse! Retreat men and play defense as we have put the enemy back a decade! And our homes are made like they were in the 1920! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
IM: earnsnyder@yahoo.com
For more policies visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

Um.... What? Care to demystify your apocolyptic postings? Are you for IRV or not?

BTW: notice the moderaters answer this question about the meaningless dream tickets, and not the question about how they plan to get us on the ballots...

I don't see anything "apocolyptic" about Earn's postings. They simply make no sense.

You really didn't get much of an education if you went to MIT.


Please include my draft prospective candidates on the list.

President: Bill Moyers

Vice PRES: General Scrowcoft

In Goodwill,

Ron Kendricks, Licensed Professional Counselor

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