Standardized Petition

posted by diny49 on April 19, 2025 - 7:48pm

A standardized UNITY08 petition should be developed by UNITY08 and made available to prospective candidates and candidate nominees. Without standardization there could be more conflict about eligibility and legitimacy of signatures.

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I agree that petition circulators need to obtain standarized part-petitions developed by Unity08. It should be required that all of the signatures on a part-petition need to be from the same county or parrish. Most states voter databases are stored at the local county Board of Elections offices and it would be extremely cumbersome for Unity08 to check the validity of the signatures on a petition if they are from multiple counties.

Oh my how innocent. The ballot rules in each state are designed to keep non-republocrats off the ballot. You'd best abide by the local rules if you have any chance whatsoever of not having your petition thrown out and then stuck with the legal fees of defending your right to nominate someone.

Well, the guy I spoke to from Unity08 last week said they were going to do all their petitions on-line.

this is pre-ballot activity within the framework of ourselves and we can create what design we figure is best to pull it all together...and as for State by State ballots it really does not matter whether our ticket is printed there in actuality because the voter has always had the right, and still does today, to 'write-in the names' of the Candidates they wish to cast their vote for (not to be confused with absentee ballot)SO IF OUR CANDIDATES DON'T GET THEIR NAMES, TOGETHER, OFFICIALLY ON THE BALLOT WE CAN WRITE THEM IN AT THE TIME OF OUR CASTING OUR VOTES, OURSELVES....don't forget that you have this power and pass this info along to everyone that you meet....this is how I have in the past voted my votes making a split ticket, and you can and everyone can do this if they want to

Yes, Unity 08 should offer a standarized Candidate's Petition form with alloted 100 lines for minimum requirement signatures

as long as you insist on that ridiculous :name: i will be a totally inactive member. an earlier window seemed to indicate that i could use melleng.

as for 100 names on a petition--i doubt that i could comply. at 83 i am somewhat limited in the number of people i see--i talk to many--but getting signatures might prove impossible.

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