candidate's refusal

posted by dreisbach1 on April 15, 2025 - 6:03pm

If a candidate does not care enough to accept our nomination then he/she is obviously not really interested in carrying out our agenda so forget him or her. No means no. If he/she has second thoughts about the matter then we could have second thoughts, assuming it is not too late in the election year.

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In my book no is no. And if a reluctant candidate accepts under pressure what can we expect from that person at some point in the future? If the nomination is not accepted, so be it.

Baffeled why one would even nominate a reluctant candidate. If a prospective candidate does not want the nomination, why waste your time with them. Seriously doubt they would be an effective campainer. Nominate someone who wants to serve.

I agree if they say no then go with that and espically if they don't care cause they wont give thier heart and soul into these issues and i think thats the foundation of what they need to do so if itsa no then its no. :) Tym

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