live with the uncertainty for awhile

posted by reynoldseblacas on April 11, 2025 - 3:47pm

Regardless of what the candidates say, keep them in the running if they are a nominee for as long as you can. Events, fortunes, and minds can change quickly in our world. Maybe the team nominated by Unity 08 won't accept the nomination or endorsement, then what should we do? Well, we're not a political party anyhow, so maybe we will end up facing the reality that we are ahead of all the candidates on this unity thing. On the other hand, we might have some pleasant surprises in store for us. Let's have faith in the rightness of what we are doing and live with the uncertainty of the outcome for now. Whatever happens, it's not likely to be the end of the Unity movement even if we don't get all we hope for this election season.

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