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Timing Your Jump to Get Onboard

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  • Steve Kraske, of the Kansas City Star, wrote a brief piece about us over the weekend titled, "There’s been head-spinning changes on the hustings." It's a quick and worthwhile read.

    "You may be one of the legions of Americans who believe that Election ’08 will produce nothing but more of the same. A group called Unity08 is billing itself as your political antidote. That may sound a little dreamy, but the movement is headed by a couple of well-respected politicos, Gerald Rafshoon, who once worked for Jimmy Carter, and GOP operative Doug Bailey, who helped found The Political Hotline."

    He also quotes Mr. Joe Trippi, consutltant currently working on the campaign of former Senator John Edwards, who says, "Alarm bells should ring loud at both party headquarters if the new online movement begins to draw a crowd."

    Read the article.

    No need to wait arond timing your jump, you can get onboard anytime at Unity08!

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