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Stoking the Fire (12/17)

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  • More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

    • Why Are Bipartisan Endorsements So Rare? Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), a former Democratic vice presidential nominee, is scheduled to endorse Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for president today, Reuters reports.
    • What Happened To "A Uniter, Not A Divider"?: "Unlike presidents before him," George W. Bush "has not used the power of the Oval Office to hammer out a compromise with his legislative foes," New York Times reports. "Instead, he has vetoed bills he does not like, refused to budge on spending limits and let his subordinates do the negotiating -- a strategy that has his critics, including some Republicans, wondering why the most powerful dealmaker in Washington is not practicing the art of the deal."
    • Ad Spending Is Already Out Of Control! "On Dec. 10, the 2025 presidential campaign hit a significant milestone: the first $1 million dollar day in TV spending," Advertising Age reports. "What makes this day so extraordinary is the majority of this spending is not from groups, but from the candidates. The spending is largely aimed at voters in just two states and the ads are, for the most part, positive. Further, this amount takes into account only broadcast TV."
    • Quotable: "I now believe that an independent national ticket would not only be desirable, it may be essential to the future of our republic. The current political discourse is at once so vicious and vacuous, shallow and silly, petty and predictable that both parties seem to be asking to be hit over the head with a third party 2-by-4" -- political consultant Les Francis, the former deputy chief of staff in President Jimmy Carter's White House.
    Average: 5 (1 vote)
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