Verifycation of late joiners

posted by AntiFactions on March 30, 2025 - 2:35pm

Verification of name, address, and social security numbers can be done through the 3 major credit agencies (Experian, Transunion, ...). It is not a credit check, just an identity verification. Many national banks are now using this process to instantly verify the supplied information. The draw backs are that all the information your enter must match what is on your drivers license and at the credit agencies. The information is verified within a minute or two.

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Those that join after the ballots have begun being cast, should be required to submit a copy of their voter registration card in order to participate. This is the only way that you can verify quickly that they are who they say they are and that they are indeed a registered voter. I disagree with the comment about doing it through credit reporting agencies. This has nothing to do with someones credit, and most would not grant access to this information just to join the site. However, if they are a registered voter and wish to participate they can either scan or take a pic of their voter registration card and submit that easily to join in at a late date.

I agree that if you have to be a registered voter to participate as a delegate to Unity08, then you must be able to verify that new, last-minute delegates are registered. Perhaps faxing you a copy of a voter registration card, if no time for mail?

I would suggest you create a pool of participating "Authentication Providers" from which the new delegates can choose to get "Authenticated".

You could solicit participation in the pool from companies like Visa, American Express, PayPal, state drivers license agencies, AARP, National Rifle Association, or anyone who has large database of members that are also likely to be voters. These organizations would likely need to be paid by Unity08 for each authentication, but it is worth it. THis way a new delegate can look down a long list of potential "AUthentication Providers", choose one that knows who they are, and then click on a link to the provider.

Attempting to use a copy of a voter registration card has problems.

Sending a fax or scanned image or other type of picture only provides information that could have been more easily entered into the computer. Someone on the Unity08 side will still have to verify the information.

I work in the graphics arts area and I know that faxes, photos, copies, etc. can all be faked. Need a copy of your driver’s license to send someone but don’t have a license? No problem. While it is difficult to fake a driver’s license it is child’s play to fake a Xerox of a license. A voter reg card would be even easier.

This idea of using a copy of a voter reg card as a simple verification is not workable as fraud is too easy. Photoshop and Flash can be used to program an automated routine to pour out fake voter registration cards. I use something that could do it to generate online coupons with coded ID’s on my client’s web sites.

The info has to be vetted somehow.

To be late is fine but there needs to be some sort of cut-off time. If someone is serious they will be on time or at least pretty close. But a disciplined approach will work best in the long run. We are adults, after all.

Just check the voter registartion.

Why should you have to have a credit card to be a delegate? That's EXTEREMELY non-egalitarian.

Most individuals 18 or older have a state identification card accepted by most institutions, and does not limit access.

Voter registration records are the way to go.

You might even find some "ghosts" still on the books the way the Democrats here in PA run the row offices like Tammany Hall.

Why not use the person's Social Security Number? That can be ran easily through a system. It needs to be mentioned that Unity08 isn't going to go buy an Audi or something with it though...

Voter registration records are public ... and all that is needed, except for time, of course.

Why not be prepared to wait, if it's that close. Wouldn't be the first time.

We should have a uniform process for ALL delegates. I would NOT want us to use anything that is not egalitarian or may raise prospects for phishing. Get information on voting districts and verify them with the electoral rolls. Nothing more. If you asked me for credit card number o SSN for THIS purpose, I would decline myself.

Why not consult with some of the ID verification Masters of the Universe, like Ebay (Paypal) or the online banks? If they're inclined to help, they could probably tap their resources to come up with a clean verification system that doesn't include financial data or invasive personal information.

The trick would be to generate inclination, I would imagine.

Voter regisration is the way to go.

The delegate verification process should be the same in all cases. Per5haps a publicity campaign with a pre-convention delegate deadline would give an opportunity to verify AND have alate push for awareness and participation.

Voter registration records. Should work

There are some companies, such as EFunds, that verify a persons name, SS#, address, and DOB. These companies - used by banks and other institutions - can also search the latest terror and other criminal databases.

And that just opens the process up to more opportunities for fraud.

I think the voter registration is the best way to go. I probably wouldn't have even allowed the rule change to allow late delegates, but since that decision is already made, the best way to go will be voter registration card.

Voter registration is the way to go!

Propose the emailed affidavits of several (3 or more) delegates which may then be accepted, rejected for cause or further verified (time permitting) to discourage fraud. Cross check all affidavits against a list of prior affidavits to indicate probable abuse. No probable abuse; admit the new delegate.

Time and dependence on electronic verification should be the governing factors. Speed and ease of processing together with negligible abuse is the objective so as to encourage as many new delegates as possible on a timely basis.

if fraud is the concern, i.e. people are not who they pretend to be, maybe you could quickly verify people by use of the Registries of Motor Vehicles in the various states...i.e. match name with driver's license and with license plates.

You would disenfranchise those too poor to own a car. Some cities really don't lend themselves to driving either, so many have no need to learn to drive.
Deb from TX

Too poor to own a car… that tickled me.

It is not just the poor that do not have cars. There are large numbers of people with no need for a car. Those on the east coast have far less need of a car than those in Texas or most of the western states.

But all states are making an effort to get all citizens some form of ID similar to a driver’s license. In the south, Georgia I think, they even made mobile registration buses to visit poor neighborhoods and provide free ID’s.

There is no reason a voter cannot have a state supplied ID, poor, community challenged or otherwise.

There is no excuse in being that late and late runners should not be taken seriously. This sabatoge of late runners could slow us down severely. I say you are either in by the deadline or you are not. No exceptions to the rule!

"There will always be a place for responsible bipartisan leadership in American politics. We all can make a big difference by making better choices. It's that simple."

While I'm sure this issue will be satisfactorily resolved (what is the normal Unity 08 verification process for registrants?), why not accept conditional ballots from the late birds, pending voter verification.

Great idea. Absentee ballots are usually counted late ... if at all. Simple math would tell counters whether the votes are "too close to call" and must wait, pending last minute verifications.

I think anyone and everyone should hav an oppertunity to vote, we can see from statistical information on people who wait till the last minute to file taxes it is a huge number. I think you could have the same issue. The Delegate should register and the vote should be captired as "Pending" you talley all "Verified" votes and tabulate all "Pending" votes. Unity 08 can make the call of the winner provided the "Pending" vote total wont change the outcome. If that be the case we would have to wait till verification was complete to make the call. I think it is a fair and just approach. All votes will be accepted and count. Just remember, we don;t create a system based on the small pecent of negatives (Fraud). develop it for the mass and build in steps for protections as you go along.

1.3 Unity08 shall verify the data provided including verification of voter registration. Those for whom data cannot be verified will be declared ineligible.

As pointed out in #1 posting, what is the current process for verification as defined in 1.3 above (and timeline required). Doesn't Execution of 1.3 make this a non-issue (unless of course specific time constraints inherent in the process underlying 1.3 exist)

There must be a deadline for registration before balloting begins. This eliminates the possibility of a "surge" by candidates who sees the vote is running against them.

Set a firm date and stick to it. Those who are truly interested will adhere to the deadline just like they do for taxes. Simple is better. There is too much room for error when
not enough time is allowed for proper verification.

Require the late joiner to provide his/her voter identification number.

Using a Voter ID number eliminates just the kind of people we are trying to reenergize; those disillusioned by the failure of both Parties. Many people who would otherwise be habitual voters have become so disenchanted with the process that they have simply 'lapsed'. These are the same people that could very well form our Base in the end, who could contribute most to the growth of the Organization for the next election..

But if these late joiners haven't gotten a voter registration, they can't participate as a delegate anyway. Correct?

Deb from TX

Unity 08 is all inclusive and open. Late registrants should be able to register right up to the end of voting and allowed to cast a provisional ballot that is qualified before adding to the final tally of votes.

Unity 08 should not make rules that may me contrary to its core mission: "that tens of millions of Americans who have not been voting out of cynicism toward the current system are likely to rally to new leadership with a new approach." This would go against the whole purpose of even doing this. Encourage democracy!!!

If banks are using credit reporting agencies and it takes 2 minutes to verify ID than that is what we should do and allow for late registrants.

This is a tricky logistical problem. As a voter who does not have a voter ID number I would be unable to register. I do have a driver's license with a number and my DOB and address. This works for most purposes.

I disagree with this question in general.

Most (if not all) voter registration for local and state governments have a deadline to register or change your party. In my locale it is 2 weeks prior to the voting day (Primary, local vote, State and Fed).

We should have the same type of deadline. Enough time to do a check.

I agree with this. We need to have an orderly process that will stand up to scrutiny if we want the results of our voting process to be beyond reproach and taken seriously by the media and public at large.

In this age of high-tech falsification, aren't we being a little naive in expecting late registration to be both fast and reliable?

Espesailly, hard to deal with in todays world with Identity theft being at an all time high and the state of modern techonogy being where it is today.

What about tracing computer users by I.P.'s (assuming most of the people you deal with will be online)? I think, Eduardo Rios, who used to be an active member of the U.F.U. said; cops do it to find pedophiles.

He would probably have ideas as he was a genius or something, unfortunately we lost touch with him after he & Mr. G. lost the 2025 election.

Heather Goldsmith
for the United Fascist Union's
JACK GRIMES 08 campaign

I think it would be stupid to get credit companies involved.

That would only offer more opportunities for fraud, not less.

Firstly, accepting applicants after balloting begins might produce what we had in California gubernatorial election--over 52 eager, but unprepared to govern wisely. The rule should be discarded.

Late sign-ups will have to supply their voter registration number and state, or their driver's license for states without voter registeration, or some other registered ID number. That will take a quick web-change on the date set for late sign-ups.

ex animo

I would prefer to have a solid date before voting begins after which no late sign-ups are allowed. Part of my reasoning for this is concern that latecomers from different states may be treated differently based on those states' rules on registration. For example, here in Wisconsin, one can register to vote at the polls and there are no voter registration cards (plus one does not register as a member of a particular party.) Other states have different deadlines and different rules for registering. Let's keep it as fair as possible, which unfortunately means ending sign ups on a date certain prior to the voting.

I suggest studying how verifies its users. The following approximates paypal's approach:

1.) Add another tab called "Account verification" in addition to "Account settings" and "Biographical Info" to the member profile section.

2.) From the "Account verification" web page invite the member to verify his/her account by debiting 3 different random amounts ranging from 0.01 to 0.99 to his/her checking or savings account after pressing a "Debit Random Amounts To My Account" button.

3.) From the "Account verification" web page request the member to supply 3 amounts that were debited to his/her checking or savings account followed by pressing "Verify Random Amounts Debited To My Account" button.

4.) Unity08 would need to verify the member checking/saving acount was established using the member name and address supplied to Unity08.

This verification technique could be rapidly executed on same day assuming the member is willing to immediately call his/her bank or use online access to obtain three verification amounts.

This account verification technique might also work with credit cards in addition to checking and savings accounts.

I'm with ckadams. Set a reasonable deadline before balloting begins, and don't allow late registrants. If you leave the door open, you'll get a flood of people at the last minute who had nothing to do with Unity08, all just wanting to back a particular candidate.

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