A thread with 5 very simple rules:

posted by DelegateSol on September 30, 2025 - 7:34pm

Please throw some new names out there that fit within these simple guidelines:

1- Is at least somewhat centrist (aka - would be able to find a democrat or independent that would run with them and would be positioned to attract votes from aligned swing voters and centrist independents)

2- Has actually shown some kind of inkling that they would be willing to leave their party or have openly shown support for Unity 08 already (aka, no to Richardson, Ford, Edwards, McCain etc)

3- Has not been mentioned here a bunch of times already (Paul, Kucinich, Newt, Clark, Dobbs, Miller, etc)

4- Has not specifically that they are not running for president (aka Hagel and Bloombery - sadly)

5- Does have something going for them... like a lot of money, tons of charisma, etc

And for God's sake, if you are for some of the people I list above, great, but keep it to yourself. I'm trying to dig up some new names for discussion, not get into an argument with the same people I've batted away again and again.

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Sam Nunn, Bob Kerrey (if he does not run for senator), Leon Panetta, Phil Gramm, Bill Cohen, Gary Hart, Bill Bradley, John Danforth, George Mitchell, Chuck Robb, John Breaux, Christine Todd Whitman, Janet Napolitano, Jennifer Granholm, Andrew Cuomo, James Webb.

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com


Christine Todd Whitman, current Michigan Governor, is ineligible because she was born in Vancouver, BC Canada.


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Michigan's governor is Jenny Granholm born in Canada.

She'll do great in Washington for the wrong reasons. She is 50% repsonsible that the state of Michigan shut down for 4 hours before reaching a budget deal - small increase in income tax plus a new tax on selective services.

The budget didn't address spending very much because she wouldn't sign a contunuing budget resolution for 30 days so republicans could rake over the spending. It was hard ball, no compromise bickering which will lead to mistakes because the final product was all politics.

Landscape companies have a new service tax, lawyers dont for example.

She be able to raise money for a run in the U.S. Congress now.


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

I'd like to see Jeff Sessions run for president.

I've admired him ever since he openly supported keeping the Ten Commandments in courthouses.
Any candidate that displayed that kind of morality would have my vote.

bob graham? he would make a great vp in my opinion. his problem would be he is too honest. the country has gotten comfortable electing con-men.

Alaska governor who is trying to fix that state's politics. She's a somewhat popular republican.

I think she's new, so may do best as VP pick.

John's info is good as usual, I wouldn't vote for 1/2 of them, but thats not the point.

Mario Cuomo, a Democratic and the former governor of New York, and Tom Kean, a Republican and the former governor of New Jersey to the list.

ex animo

I think this is the first time I am agreeing with you, but maybe the most important topic.

If thats the punchline, are you still miffed at the process?

I wonder if Richard Lamm is considering running. I've mentioned him in other posts... he was governor of Colorado I think & he ran and was the only person who had a semi-serious challenge for Perot the second time he ran for the Reform party nod. I just ran across an article he wrote in this little local paper about the biggest crime in history being how the last generation or two has stolen more money from the next two-ish generations than any ponzi scheme in history ever imagined. He's not a big name, but he'd be a great candidate if none of the other big names threw their hat in.

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