Primary Date Changes

posted by topazguns on September 5, 2025 - 8:36am

Instead of moving up all the primaries why not just attach an electronic voting box to every American families TV. This way elections could be held on a weekly basis. Along with the Presidential elections folks could vote on new laws, constitutional amendment changes, etc etc. Do away with the whole congress. Instead of a President, we could have a guest host each week just like Saturday Night Live, he/she would be the President for that week with all the weekly festivities held on the Comedy Channel. Sound ridiculous? So is this years election carrying ons.

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With the current popular media, this is not so far from reality. Somebody conducts a national poll at least twice a week, and the public overseers, I mean, public servants and candidates are falling over themselves to come up with a sound bite to fit the poll results. I have been battling this for several years. While I have not had many such calls, whenever I am called by a pollster, I LIE . That's right, I lie through my teeth. Let the politicians come up with their own ideas, let us see who they really are, and we will decide whether we like them or not at the ballot box. NEVER, EVER, ANSWER A POLLSTER HONESTLY.

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