Rules after leaving Public Office

posted by Phil_W on July 21, 2025 - 9:44am

When I was in the military, it was required that I not visit certain countries nor share anything about the classified nature of my work for seven years. I expect more from elected and appointed public officials. Such officials should not be able to lobby for special interest groups for a period of ten years after they leave office. Current rules are far too short. Longer time periods would help to ensure that public officials are there to work for the people and would help to stop the practice of special interest groups "buying" an inside track for their influence.

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I 100% agree, it should be a crime for politicians to leave office then begin hopping from one nation to another selling out. What’s frightening is that I have read articles describing how many of them cast what seems like strange votes at the time then after they leave office they visit these countries and receive huge sums of money for giving a few speeches. The article implied that they’re doing this because it’s illegal to do this while in office but they are basically agreeing to sell out now for a later pay off, and because they do this after leaving office they’re not even breaking any laws.

It’s Disgusting.

Since I suppose we can't shoot them (can we?), this would be my second choice. In fact I don't see why they can't be excluded for life.

I would expand it to not allow any lobbying for a realistic period of time after leaving office. If some of these people worked for a fortune 500 company they would be fired for conflicts of interest or ethics violations. I also think congressmen in jail should not be collecting pensions!

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