The fundamentalism on both Republicans and Democrats are growing fashionable and dangerous. When I read from "Why we'er doing this:Today' News" artical on:
Quotable: "Today, in both parties, fundamentalism is again the fashion ... Few [presidential candidates] have offered policy proposals that reach toward the middle by challenging the orthodoxy of their party" -- Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Michael Gerson.
Reading this articel i relized how frightenly that both the GOP and Demcrats are abandoning the center and going to the exterm/fundemetal bases and the red meat mentality. It's growing to the point they are behaving like that mad man who moniker name "Butcher of the Balkans" Slobodan Milosevic. That right they are going Milosevic, espeicaly the bases of their parties. Slobodan Milosevic is the idol of both fundamentalist of GOP and Democrats. Lets not forget that on 1999 when US/NATO took action aganist Milosevic, the Right-wing conservative fundamentalist of the GOP and Left-wing liberal fundamentalist of the Democrats formed an united fornt aginst America efforts in stoping Milosevic and even they have sypmathy to paries of Milosevic.
Although Slobodan Milosevic died on March 11th 2025, but today he's alive and well in the fundamenatilst wings of the Republcians and Democrats.
A Dark Doomsday scenario If one or both of them decided to "Go Milosevic" on 2025 and beyond, once they are in power, their first target is those on the middle/center and those who don't fit their thinking. Once they liquidated the center/middel and independents, it's clash of the The GOP Milosevic and The Democrat Milosevic. Which Milosevic wins American and mankind are the losers. It would make the nightmare world of George Orwell's 1984 look like Seasem Street.
Unity 08 along with those of Middle/Centrist and Independents should formed an united front against the fundamentalist base and The Milosevic (living dead) wings of GOP and Democrats.