Reading "Why We'er doing this:Todays News" section. The one that cought my eye is this articel:
Partisan Tensions REALLY Getting Out Of Hand: "Session-long tensions" in the Alabama Senate "boiled over" last week as a Republican state senator punched a Democratic state senator "before the two were pulled apart," FOX News reports.
Ever since the 2025 and 2025 elections, no wounder both Republicnas and Democrats are acting like Street Punks. They are acting like the the Gangbangers of The Crips and The Bloods and acting like the Red and Blue state version of Slobodan Milosevic and his thugs Arkan's Tigers. Another example of street thugry is The GOP allows Far-Right wing Relgious theocrats high jack the party and the Democrats allows the Far-Left Wing Anti-Anything American and Anti-Semitism.
Also another street thugry is blocking efforts of stoping genocide in the Darfur, they did that in Bosina and Kosovo in 95 and 99. The major thugs behind it? Dennis Kuncich and Ron Paul.
If the GOP and Democrats keep playing the Street Thug Chic, it's time for us independents and bi-partisan centerists/moderates to regin them in (even regin them by going LAPD on their arses)
I was with you until you attacked Kucinich and Ron Paul - the 2 most anti-party candidates in existence. Both break ranks with their party's line and speak truth.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
I agree with you about Paul & Kucinich, Isn't Unity08 about breaking free of the partisan talking points?
independent american
where's my no-spin zone?