Importance of getting on the Ballot in all 50 states and D.C.

posted by jimstrupp on April 27, 2025 - 8:57pm

This is a great idea and I'm sure the proper procedures for issue selection and candidate nomination and selection will be worked out. But, it seems to me that the more important practical items are: 1) Getting on the Ballot and 2) Raising enough money to be credible and competitive. Otherwise It's just another good idea with no positive results.I believe that this process must begin way before the summer of 2025 in order to qualify on all state ballots. Please clarify initial plans to make this happen in a timely manner so that this does not turn into a "straw Poll". I'm prepared to work hard on this and contribute considerable funds but need some assurances that these matters have been thought through. Best, Jim Strupp

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We are starting to get frustrated, Founders. Ballot Access is the major practical step that needs to be done, but you have failed to address this at all. There's a rumor going around that you are trying to do it using online petitions, but you have not explained the plan to us. Whatever it is, it needs to be done before September.
What's the plan???

I addressed a similar post yesterday (may have been from you, Scorpion) but I forgot which topic it was in.

Anyway, I'll just kind of reiterate what I said then: You are absolutely right about the magnitude of the ballot access challenge, and it is not lost on us at all. Rest assured, we are aware of the particular hoops we need to jump through in each state, where the process is particularly onerous, and where it won't be too hard.

Third parties have qualified in all 50 states before. The Libertarians customarily do (I believe) and Ross Perot easily made all 50 back in '92 (and in '96, in part on the strength of automatic qualifications stemming from his '92 succes).

The flip side is that even candidates with solid bases of support have failed to make it in every state -- Ralph Nader only qualified for 43 ballots in 2025, as I recall.

The difficulty is not lost on us, and we're fast approaching the point where we need to begin collecting signatures. A big part of this will involve you (meaning you, Scorpion, and anyone else who's interested in this topic) helping in your home state and, potentially, other nearby states as well.


You've said as much in a couple of different posts and in fact I've asked through a couple different posts how I can help. I think you need to come up with a plan and share it with the delegates so we can help you.

In response to some of your other comments here, Libertarians have a recognizable platform and a candidate from which they build support and gather volunteers.

Ross Perot had a platform, was the candidate and had millions of his own dollars to spend (I think the limit now is $20M, I could be wrong).

In summary, it seems to me that Unity08 lacks three things that your other examples had:

1. A platform (if I was signing a petition, I'd like to know that it was for things I cared about and not for, say, abortion clinics in schools).

2. A candidate (seems to me that a petition without a candidate is like a bike without wheels).

3. An organization. We all know you are well aware of the challenges, but that hasn't garnered any published plans or direct requests for help.

As I said, we understand each of the challenges and distinction you have expressed. This is no small task, and everyone who accomplishes it leans on different strengths and assets. We are not yet ready to launch organizations in each state to do this, so I'm sorry I don't have details to share right now. But we are very aware of each state's threshold and its deadline. At the appropriate time -- soon -- we will be able to share more and start putting people in touch with state leaders. And if you're interested in taking a leadership role in your state or community, we'd like to hear from you.

So your final answer is that you have a plan, but have not put it in place, ok, but that seems a bit strange given your own knowledge of the size of the effort. But you're the professionals (I assume), so I'll stop asking for more details.

But, you've asked to hear from people who are interested in helping. Well, I've sent two emails to your web email address asking for petition packets for my state and offering my help. So, what MORE does a girl have to do to demonstrate "interest in taking a leadership role in her state or community"?


What we need are 3 key things Issues/Platform, Marketing/Branding, and Candidates that fairly represents our moderate centrist platform. We DO need to stand for something or we will be holding a Party that people will NOT show up for. I prefer we start branding ourselves (Flaming Centrist Moderates that we truly profess to be!)before the others do and start thinking about staking out the moderate rational middle ground on the key issues as a BIG differentiator from the warmed over panderbear palp the other 2 big Parties are about to churn out as they cater to their respective activist bases. Once the public sees the what the other 2 parties offer (nil, shril, feel-good palp) and juxtaposes that to what we can offer in the solid rational doable implementable middle, people will really THEN take notice of Unity!! Then and only then will our potential be limitless!

The real problem with Ballot Access isn't stated in the rules for each state; it’s in the case law surrounding ballot access cases. The actual law has been perverted in many states, and is being further perverted even as we speak. It’s no wonder that Perot got on the ballot and Nader didn't. The parties took great pains to fight ballot access in the courts after Perot, and we see how successful they were with Nader. They are even better at it today.

Look, you can have all the ballot access organization you want, Nader did, and he didn't get on.

Step one is using the bully pulpit you have to start working the courts in each state. Many states are going through ballot access suits right now for the primaries, and there will be far more in summer before the general elections (at least here in PA) in the fall.

If you have lawyers, start filing amicus briefs in state court and consider ballot access suits against the states in federal court.

Look, ballot access is a real issue for lots of folks and parties. It seems to me it is a perfect case for a class action suit that could represent all third parties and independents.

Unity08, without a fixed platform, has the best position to get the support of many parties and independents and Unity08 could play a real important role in challenging the ballot access blocks put in place by the republocrats via case law over the last decade.

If we don't get on the ballot, this is a futile exercise.
Read the posts here - it isn't encouraging....
If there's a plan, why hasn't it been started? Wouldn't the sooner the better be the case?

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

I do not believe this will be a waste if we do not get on the ballot. Popo has an idea that can and should cross well into the future. We cannot give up. I too am fearful that it will be too late and the world will be nuking itself sooner, rather then later. That America will no longer exist if we do stop this Immigration Reform bill. However, as Popo pointed out to me, you must make decisions based on good sound judgement, not emotions. As fearful as I am, Popo makes sense and his ideas must live on well beyond 2025.
I for one, hope the founders continue to seek support even if we do not change the outcome of the 2025 election.

How do we change things now? Well, we can start with our own home states by demanding that our officials hold townhall meetings and answer the questions directly from the people. There only needs to be a few people who can ask the right questions. It will be harder for them to lie face to face. Right now they do everything they can to avoid contact with the people by holding debates that are limited to who may attend or "townhall meetings" where they choose the people who are permitted to attend and control the questions allowed to be asked. We can start by changing our own states. This could work for 2025 as well. Those states that have senators and congressmen up for election. Petition those who are running to hold unregulated townhall meetings in your area and work hard to get the word out.

The questions that must be asked are on American-21st May 2025 article, Foxes Brit Humms Blows a Major Oppurtunity SC GOP Debate. Imagine the reaction if you asked this question at an unregulated townhall meeting.

If you want to do something about illegal immigration then check out

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