Comments of Section 3. Nomination

posted by dbarcroft on April 20, 2025 - 7:59am

3.1 The range of numbers (15-10) discussed needs to shift down - even if only slightly. Arriving at 10 candidates seems a high number that may distract from consolidating support for a limited number of candidates. Moving to a lower number (8?)still provides a wide variety of choices/platforms and allows for support to begin coalescing earlier in the process - thus building momentum/power earlier and increasing the odds of engaging more of the American public and Unity08 impacting the outcome.

The initial "Qualifying Round" should be held in order to get down to any specific number designated (10 currently). If nothing else, this round will help further define/qualify the Prosective Candidate's platform.

3.2 Assuming the number of Candidates is reduced from 10, then the corresponding final "Qualifying Round" should have a number lower than 5 (4?) for all the same reasons as listed above; primarily for building momentum/power earlier in the process.

3.4 The Virtual Convention date and duration will need to be decided as soon as possible. Any specific date or duration of the convention will have it's pros/cons. The earlier a decision is made, the more time Delegates will have to make the appropriate arrangements and challenges to a strong/specific decision can be redirected back to the issues - as opposed to more "discussion" about the date/duration. Consider spreading the convention out over a couple of days and create a marketing/event theme as a way of creating buzz, exposure, and involvement.

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