Comments re: Section 2.

posted by dbarcroft on April 20, 2025 - 7:33am

2.1 100 signatures are not enough. We will have a greater number of names to sort through and this will be a distractive use of time/energy - as opposed to using that time/energy to create and build a strong movement. The use of hard copy will help "advertise", expose, and build the American public's awareness of Unity08 and not limit the involvement to solely computer literate folks.

2.2 A basic outline of the American Agenda issues (i.e. Education, Healthcare, etc.)should be created and candidates must (once they've gained enough signatures) post a platform presenting their views on those basic issues and limit the number of words to be used. Those answers can be refined/amended as a more specific and detailed American Agenda emerges.

2.3 The process for the solicitation of Delegates by Prospective Candidates needs to be defined. As Delegates, we want to participate but not be overwhelmed by the volume or length of solicitations.

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