Purpose of the Unity08 Convention

posted by vic on June 15, 2025 - 6:28pm

In order to set the goals of our convention we must needs first reach a consensus and precise and clear description of the Purpose of the Uniy08 Online Convention.

Let me set out the straw man (an honest statement of my view of the Purpose at this time).

Our Convention Purpose is to provide a net based opportunity for every member of Unity08 to discuss, vote and participate in the selection of our candidates after the clear creation and elucidation of our consensus Agenda for Change.

The Convention has already begun!

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The agenda for change? That's what I'm looking for - where is it being formed? For the most part all I see is a bunch of jabbering sprinkled with some rather deep insights from some rather thoughtful folks. But nothing that in my eyes portends any sort of structural reform that might generate meaningful change...

Point me in the right direction - I'm interested...

unfortunately there seems to be "no one " willing to assume a position of leadership...

..... or this first " gaggle of signers" are not considered important enough to keep informed.. so by definition are expendable...

I love how cetain inferences are made that there is plenty of time....

Its simply not true.. if the intent is to influence the 2025 elections.. Estimates are that the 2025 elections al the various arms of the republcan and democrat presidential candidate committees could raise 750 million dollars...

This is going to be countered .. with what?.... and how?....ALL that Unity is armed with now.. is press clippings..... and us 9300 brave souls...

who are basically told to wait and meanwhile " post and post"

Most want to be pointed in the right direction...

We all need to be pointed in the right direction

Make a donation and see if that brings a response. 9300?, I don't think so. Maybe 9 possibly put their money where they blog.. but certainly not 9300.

Moderator: Exactly how many donated and how much has been collected to date?

Nope I will not contribute money until I know if Unity is a movement... just a blog..

The issues of transparency have been addressed, a plan of action disclosed and the rules and online convention process outlined...

One of my more skeptic members believes that given the political leanings of the majority of the founders... that the ultimate winner of the Unity vote will be Hillary...

As of now I then to disagree with that premise....

fyi... the leadership is considering direct mail and e-mail ideas to drive traffic with focus on early states ... along with major upgrade to this site, giving it more of a convention feel with video and sound, kinda like this www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

I find your privacy policy very alarming. Are you profiting from this data? What mailing list am I being put on? What is the purpose of sharing my personal data? See below:

"We may also share the Personal Data of participants in Unity08 who are U.S. residents with other non-profit organizations and publications ..."


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