General Comments

posted by Ragmop on April 4, 2025 - 11:21pm

1. This is a beauty contest. Nobody is going to get elected unless/until they get electors on the ballot in a bunch of states. That is a complicated, labor intensive and expensive task - and I see no mention of it.

2. Too many rules and complicated procedures. Such procedures should be designed by professional systems engineers who know what is possible, what is probable, what can and cant be administered. To use a well meaning group of amateurs is like the old saw about a camel being a horse made by a committee.

3. Perfect is the enemy of good. Forget about trying to weed out all the bad guys and intruders and figure you will have enough good guys to offset them. None of your pledges, certifications, oaths and promises are enforceable.

4. Where is the money coming from to do all this?

5. Et cetera ...

I have a write up on a system I think would solve most of these problems, and I'll send it to you if you request it - and send me an email address to send it to. But I should warn you that it would mean almost completely rethinking your effort from ground zero. Anyhow, good luck !

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