President - Vice President Nomination

posted by RobertG on April 4, 2025 - 10:46am

The process for nominating a vice-presidential candidates and being affiliated with accepted major parties. This area should be revised to include those members of other parties, Green, Independent A true look at all alternatives should be allowed.

The nomination process does not provide discussion for presidential condidates as it does for vice-presidential candidates.

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As I read this a simple majority is all that is required to gain the nomination. If this is the case our own group could be split 49% - 51% for it's own candidate. If we are to be vialble I think the candidate must obtain a super amjority of some kind. In this way they go into the campaign following the nomination with a solid base of support that cannot be questioned for its legitamcey.

Stephen F. Farmer
Work less, make more money,and have fun doing it

I disagree. Since there will be several rounds of voting, a simple majority of votes should be sufficient to secure the nomination.

The single vote for a favorite candidate is not the method most consistent with the ideas of "unity" and "consensus". It is, however, the method that's used in the national election today, and it reflects the typical partisan divide: each side feeling that their candidate is a near-god while the opponent is the devil incarnate. In other words, those voting for Candidate A would place Candidate B about 999th on their preference list, and vice versa. It's a recipe for partisanship.
A better method is to allow voters to rank the candidates down to, say, 3rd place. A candidate thought by everyone to be the 2nd choice is clearly a better choice than one loved by 51% but hated by 49%. The latter candidate would win under the proposed system. Grab the chance to actually propose something that promotes consensus!

I've already demonstarted how Preference Voting can be influenced by 'ringers', in such a manner that candidate with a high disapproval rating can win.

You can surf the site for my analysis, or, if you want, I'll repost it.

All you did was prove Arrow's Therom, which says that ANY voting method is subject to manipulation. You did not prove that single-candidate voting was better. Unity would benefit form a method that would choose a less devisive candidate. Going into the convention without a platform is bad enough.

Couldn't we compromise? For example, have the first vote be preference voting. Then select the top 8 plus the top 2 that received the most votes (without preferential weighting). Then we could have a straight one vote per person run-off of those 8 to 10 candidates.

I am a Republican who has voted Democrat in the last two elections. America needs Mike Bloomberg to rise up as our hero to unite the unUnited States of America. The only person who can enter the race now, possibly and hopefully with Hagel as his side kick or VP, is Mike Bloomberg. He has done great things and has been quite successful. Please draft Bloomberg for President 2025. We really need him. He truly would be a uniter for everywhere around the world. God help us all if he does not come to our aid at this time. The candidates on both sides are terrorizing me. As an Independent the rest of the world would see that we are not a lock step country and Bloomberg would do the greatest thing he could accomplish in any man’s lifetime. Peace on Earth, Unity in the United States of America and true World Order. It is the opportunity for a great man to do great things.

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