2.5 (American Agenda) is of highest importance

posted by philsexton on April 4, 2025 - 8:21am

The American Agenda is the heart and soul of the political process.
No candidate is going to come forward unless the American Agenda has a real and credible definition.
Issues are primary. Feel good statements about the American Dream, for example, are irrelevant.

Unity08 needs to put some meat on its bones immediately.
Start the process for defining the American Agenda!

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I am not interested in hearing a Principal Supporter's response to questions posed by Unity08. If 2.5 means a Principal Supporter may post their Candidate's personal responses, that's fine. If the intent is to allow the Principal Supporter to write her/his Candidate's response, forget it. Let's clarify this.

As to disqualifying a candidate who chooses not to respond to a particular question, Why? I prefer to decide if that disqualifies her/him from getting my vote. There could be one or more Unity08 questions that I might consider irrelevant, insulting, or just plain none of our business, in which case I would prefer a Candidate who felt alike and did not respond to it/them. Let's not disqualify a candidate over this. Our votes will take care of it if delegates are not happy with a Candidate's responses.

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