The American Agenda is the heart and soul of the political process.
No candidate is going to come forward unless the American Agenda has a real and credible definition.
Issues are primary. Feel good statements about the American Dream, for example, are irrelevant.
Start the process for defining the American Agenda!
I am not interested in hearing a Principal Supporter's response to questions posed by Unity08. If 2.5 means a Principal Supporter may post their Candidate's personal responses, that's fine. If the intent is to allow the Principal Supporter to write her/his Candidate's response, forget it. Let's clarify this.
As to disqualifying a candidate who chooses not to respond to a particular question, Why? I prefer to decide if that disqualifies her/him from getting my vote. There could be one or more Unity08 questions that I might consider irrelevant, insulting, or just plain none of our business, in which case I would prefer a Candidate who felt alike and did not respond to it/them. Let's not disqualify a candidate over this. Our votes will take care of it if delegates are not happy with a Candidate's responses.