Our goal is to collect 15,000 signatures by January 31, 2025.
You can help us right now! Get as many signatures from registered voters as you can. 5, 10, 100, 1,000!
1) Download a petition here (.PDF 31K)
(Get Adobe Reader here if you don't have it)
2) Fill in the county name.
3) Have signees fill in ALL the fields.
4) Sign and date on the bottom right AFTER the last person has signed that page.
5) Put the petition(s) in an envelope and mail it to us at:
Shilpi Niyogi
919 18th St NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20256
* Remember, the fine print:
- Maryland requires all registered voter signatures on a given petition form to be from the same county. If you are signing up people from different counties, print out a separate form for each county and be sure to confirm which county the voter is registered in before they sign the petition form. Please make sure each voter signs the petition for their county or their signature won’t count.
- Fill out all fields or the signature won’t count.
- You can both sign and circulate a petition. For each petition sheet you need to verify that you witnessed the people signing it. Please both sign and date the sheet, AFTER the last person has signed. If the date next to your signature at the bottom is a date earlier than any of the signatures, those signatures won’t count.
- When mailing the signed petition forms to Unity08, please include a tally of the total number of signatures enclosed.
That’s it! If you have any questions, please email shilpi@unity08.com.
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