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  • Please return to this page regularly to see updates on Pennsylvania

    To get ballot access in Pennsylvania:

    • We must petition to qualify the Unity Ticket for an independent candidacy in the state.
    • We must collect approximately 25, 000 registered voter signatures by August 1, 2024.
    • We need a volunteer lawyer in the state.
    • We need volunteers to start organizing right now so we have an army of signature gatherers ready to go as soon as our Unity Ticket is nominated at the online convention in June 2024.

    Ready to get started?

    1. Become a local field organizer.
    2. Attend or host a Unity08 event.
    3. Join or start a group in your state.
    4. Become Unity08's volunteer state lawyer, contact National Ballot Access Director Shilpi Niyogi.

    More questions?

    Contact Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator Andy Wilson.

    Recent blog posts for Pennsylvania

    Keeping in touch with what's going on in your state11/28/2007 - 5:21amAndy Wilson, NY

    Recent forum posts for Pennsylvania