These are the current rules for use and posting to all Unity08 forums:
- No derogatory, racist, or threatening attacks against others in the forum. You can question people directly, but please refrain from using personal attacks and profanity.
- No off topic posts. Off topic posts/topics will be locked, moved, or deleted.
- No redundant posts. Please take the time to view all other topics under the desired subject before posting.
- Please keep comments on topic. That includes both comments and independent posts.
- Certain topics are devoted to communicating with/asking Unity08 questions. Please keep all comments and questions for Unity08 in those threads. Otherwise, they will be deleted.
- Use of these forums for communication about illegal activities will result in a ban from the site.
- The goal of this forum is to provide a place that fosters constructive dialogue among the American people in regard to issues that are important to them. Topics and posts not in line with the spirit of that philosophy will be deleted.
- Logins or IPs used to spam the site with commercial interests will be banned. Email Unity08 to request removal from a ban list.
- Users who consistently violate the above rules will lose posting abilities.
- If you believe any of the above rules are being violated, please email Unity08 stating the location of the alleged offense.
- All interpretation and implementation of the above rules is at the sole discretion of Unity08's staff. There are many other avenues of communication and discussion that are not moderated by Unity08.
EDIT: July 23rd, 2025:
13. There is now a search function in the top right corner of the website. This function will search the forums. Please ensure your topic/post is not redundant before posting, or it will be removed.12. Any posts that you believe as off-topic or otherwise break the above rules, please click on "mark as spam" so a moderator can quickly view them and take appropriate action.