Members: 123,589

Consensus on reduction of petroleum based energy

  • el
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  • Can Unity 08 members at least come to a consensus that we want our next presidential candidate to take a leadership role in calling for a national effort to reduce our reliance on petroleum based energy?

    Our candidate should be calling for a ten year goal of at least a 35% reduction of petroleum and coal use through the combined effort of conservation (smaller cars, more efficient homes,etc.) and use of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geo-thermal and alternative fuel sources like switchgrass. Nuclear can also be part of the solution if we truly develop a solution to disposing of or eliminating radioactive waste.

    The motivation for this national effort should be based on providing a cleaner and safer world for future generations of Americans. We in America should at least catch up to our European neighbors so we don't stand out as uncaring glutens. Also, sending less of our money to unstable parts of the world only makes sense.

    Our candidate should also be willing to support a carbon energy consumption tax if the proceeds are used to encourage both of the above stated goals through tax credits, Research and Development Grants, and public awareness and educational programs. Grants should be awarded to ideas that have the best overall potential and not Special Interest groups.

    If we are to attract the attention of serious candidates, then it is time we come together in large numbers. If this is a central position that you feel is at least a good starting point, then I encourage each of you to vote by approving this posting.

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