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Wind Energy

  • el
  • pt
  • I don't see why our governments arn't doing more to support wind energy. It only supplies 1% of our energy!!! Just a slight increase in wind speed can actually increase the energy a wind turbine produces. Wind that goes 12.6 mph can produce twice as much energy as wind going 10 mph! Many people don't like the idea of giant windmills. Some say they ruin the natural landscape. However, turbines can be placed offshore, up to 60 feet from the coast line.

    An ABC/Washington Post survey showed that 90% of the people polled wanted the US Government to develop more solar and wind power. Besides, wind turbines don't have to be used in large wind farms. They can be put in an open field with a wire running to a generator, or battery charger that can be used by an average houshold. Within 7 years of use, the average wind turbine will pay for itself in savings, compared to buying expensive electricty produced from the burning of fossil fuels.

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