Members: 114,351

Active Groups

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  • Groupsort iconDescriptionMost Recent ActivityJoin
    Odom2008 Clear new choice on how to bring real change from the people.. Ask Me Anthing and get clear a answer.11/03/2007 - 12:11pmjoin
    RealChange08 Citizens who believe the time has come for talk to stop and change to start.11/03/2007 - 11:49amjoin
    Centroids Principled "Purple" Pragmatism, based on "Radical Middle" philosophy11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    Common Sense A Take on Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" for our current times11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    Mythbusters Debating of the facts and fictions of the American Political Landscape11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    New York New York state group11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    The Centrists The Centrists are a group of Unity08 delegates looking to form a Common Sense look at our political landscape11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    Unity Keepers of the Flame (Most Active) The Unity Most Active keep the torches lit and build more for those that need them.11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    Unity Smoke Jumpers The Smoke Jumpers leap into the online fray to build support for Unity08 on other sites.11/03/2007 - 10:56amjoin
    Maine Unity08 in Maine11/03/2007 - 10:52amjoin
    Ohio Ohio state group11/03/2007 - 9:48amjoin
    Direct Democracy Ctizens who believe they must be allowed to cast binding votes directly on issues - not just candidates.11/03/2007 - 8:45amjoin
    The Delegate Wiki A group to discuss matters related to the Unity08 Delegate Wiki ( )11/03/2007 - 8:21amjoin
    Virginia Virginia state group11/03/2007 - 7:42amjoin
    Colbert 2025 Making Politics Fun Again for America. For the World11/02/2007 - 11:50pmjoin
    Missouri Missouri state group11/02/2007 - 11:14pmjoin
    PATRIOTS Speak up! Join and be heard. All are welcome. Offer solutions. All Topics. Unmoderated.11/02/2007 - 10:40pmjoin
    Connecticut Connecticut state group11/02/2007 - 10:37pmjoin
    Zappafication A group for people who want less Government involvement (smaller government) in their lives, and look at the world with a sense of humor11/02/2007 - 10:24pmjoin
    Paul-Gravel 2025 Ron Paul for President and Mike Gravel for Vice President if Ron Paul does not receive the GOP Nomination 11/02/2007 - 10:16pmjoin
    Pennsylvania Pennsylvania state group11/02/2007 - 10:16pmjoin
    Debate 08 A chance to put your two cents in on the candidates and the issues through debate and discussion. What would you do as President?11/02/2007 - 8:36pmjoin
    Washington Washington state group11/02/2007 - 7:43pmjoin
    Indiana Indiana state group11/02/2007 - 7:38pmjoin
    America in a 21st Century World Where America should stand in the world with the rise of new powers11/02/2007 - 5:51pmjoin
    Hagel 08 A group that would like to see Chuck Hagel on the ballot in 08!11/02/2007 - 5:41pmjoin
    Cornhusker Common Sense Bob Kerrey - Chuck Hagel for Unity08!!11/02/2007 - 4:58pmjoin
    Washington DC Washington DC state group11/02/2007 - 4:58pmjoin
    South Carolina South Carolina state group11/02/2007 - 3:22pmjoin
    Southwest Colorado Archuleta, Dolores, LaPlata, Montezuma, San Juan and San Miguel counties11/02/2007 - 2:34pmjoin
    Georgia Georgia state group11/02/2007 - 2:33pmjoin
    Colin Powell! An honest, straight-talking man whose lived the American Dream11/02/2007 - 1:24pmjoin
    North Carolina North Carolina state group11/02/2007 - 1:13pmjoin
    Maine Maine state group11/02/2007 - 12:59pmjoin
    Washington Victory Team This group supports President hopeful Washington in his race for the White House in 08. Join us in making history!11/02/2007 - 12:57pmjoin
    Delaware Delaware state group11/02/2007 - 12:24pmjoin
    Talk with Presidential Candidate Richard H. Clark A group dedicated to chatting with Richard H. Clark11/02/2007 - 12:16pmjoin
    Alabama Alabama state group11/02/2007 - 11:44amjoin
    California California state group11/02/2007 - 11:41amjoin
    Maryland Maryland state group11/02/2007 - 11:22amjoin
    Dialog07 War, Energy, Democracy/reform (unity WED) issues of Dialog07 for Unity0811/02/2007 - 11:19amjoin
    West Virginia West Virginia state group11/02/2007 - 11:11amjoin
    Unity Ignitors (Bloggers) Unity Ignitors are bloggers who are the first to promote new information about the movement on their blogs.11/01/2007 - 10:48pmjoin
    Twin Cities, Minnesota This is a group for the Twin Cities area of the Minnesota11/01/2007 - 8:18pmjoin
    Arkansas Arkansas state group11/01/2007 - 8:10pmjoin
    Chesterfield County Unity08 Group A group for all Chesterfield County, Virginia residents to organize local events and spread the message.11/01/2007 - 8:08pmjoin
    Unity08isdabest It is awesome11/01/2007 - 1:19pmjoin
    Texas Texas state group11/01/2007 - 11:06amjoin
    Oregon Oregon state group11/01/2007 - 10:33amjoin
    Colorado Colorado state group11/01/2007 - 7:46amjoin
    Unity in Rhode Island A general group for those interested in Unity 08 in RI.11/01/2007 - 5:08amjoin
    Utah Utah state group10/31/2007 - 11:23pmjoin
    Tennessee Tennessee state group10/31/2007 - 8:23pmjoin
    Emory Unity A group devoted to the members of the Emory University community.10/31/2007 - 7:44pmjoin
    Massachusetts Massachusetts state group10/31/2007 - 7:24pmjoin
    Students for Improving Government Discussing Topics, Events, Candidates, and All Matters That Concern All Students10/31/2007 - 6:51pmjoin
    Minnesota Minnesota state group10/31/2007 - 5:57pmjoin
    AsherHeimermann This group is for fans, friends, family, and supporters of Asher Heimermann.10/31/2007 - 5:49pmjoin
    Nevada Nevada state group10/31/2007 - 5:31pmjoin
    Team Spark (Local Volunteers) This group is for volunteers and local organizers to share ideas and successes in our areas. 10/30/2007 - 6:10pmjoin