Members: 123,589


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  • Welcome to the Maine state group page!  My name is Andy Wilson, I’m Unity08’s Volunteer Program Coordinator, and I manage this group.  I need someone from your state to help manage this group.  Interested?  Email me and let me know.

    Unity08 Groups are just like groups you may have used on Yahoo or Myspace, except our groups are only for one purpose: to revitalize our democracy by electing the next President.  Politics as usual tries to divide us: these groups help us connect and unite.

    You are automatically a member of your state group based on where you live.  The main purpose of this group is to help to build your state’s Unity08 membership.   You can post your ideas on a blog or forum. You can also share files, take or create polls, and connect with other Unity08 members.
    You can also search for a local group on the main groups page. 
    If you don’t see a group for your area, create one!   Then, email me and let me know and I'll add it to the list here.
    Look for groups that focus on the issues or candidates you care about.  You can also see the newest and most active groups.  Once you’ve joined a group, you will see all of your groups in MyUnity08 under MyGroups.  Join in, start a group, get connected!
    Please make sure that you have enabled your subscription alerts for this group by clicking "My subscription" in the menu to the right.

    • You must join/sign in in order to post into this group.
    Coordinator Information
    Manager: Andy Wilson, NY

    State Events

    There are no events planned in your state. Please consider organizing one. Use Eventful or Meetup to plan your event and we'll list it in our calendar. If you use another site please let us know so that we can make sure it gets listed here.

    Recent Content

    Keeping in touch with what's going on in your state

    The best way to keep in touch with everything that's going on locally is to edit your subscriptions by clicking on "My Subscriptions" above on the right hand column.

    Then tell it you want Email Notification enabled and hit submit. Now every time someone posts a blog, forum, or an event, we'll send you an email letting you know.

    If you think you're getting too much email, you can set it back to disabled at any time.

    You can do this with every group you join, so make sure you're staying informed with what's going on.

    Andy Wilson
    Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator

    Recent Users
    • Holly Heuer, ME
    • Tim Anderson, ME
    • Ed Quinn, ME
    • Joseph Miller, ME
    • John Quinn, ME
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