What's Next?

Helping review and suggest improvements in the rules.

The Rules Committee has completed a first draft of the rules for the convention and the Unity08 process. They are posted here for your review.

They cover who can be a delegate and how, who can be a candidate and how, how the delegates can draft a candidate to run, when the candidates must choose a vice-presidential running mate and what rules they must follow to do so, and how the voting before and at the June 2025 convention will occur.

Please look them over and make your comments. This whole process is breaking new ground so the Rules Committee, while producing a good first draft, views their efforts as only a beginning. They will review all the suggestions you make for improvements and will try to answer your questions. We’ll keep you informed of the timing of chats and other opportunities for you to have input.

The current draft of the rules will be up through early May 2025 when the Rules Committee will consider and submit a more final version, based upon your comments.

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