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    How to get the Federal Budget Balanced.

    Put you support behind Upholding the Constitution.

    If we force the polititians to do this,, then they won't be able to tax and spend.

    They won't be able to pass unfunded mandates.

    They won't be able to set up imaginary trust funds.

    They won't be able to tax one group differently than they tax another group to buy votes.

    They won't be able to give unlimited tax breaks to religion.

    They won't be able to give tax money to religious organizations to waste.

    This list is almost endless.

    If we do what the Framers intended and have a part time legislature that has a real job or business that they have to get home to to make enough money to live and must live and work and do business under the laws they have passed,, they will be far less likely to pass the laws that are now busting the budget and going to impoverish our children and grand-children and great grand-children.

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