Members: 114,351

Unity08 Polls

  • el
  • pt
  • Do you think the average congressperson deserves to be reelected, or would it be better to throw most out and start over?

    Deserves Reelection
    2% (38 votes)
    Throw Most of Them Out
    66% (1065 votes)
    It Depends
    31% (496 votes)
    1% (20 votes)
    Total votes: 1619

    How much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly?

    Great Deal
    0% (3 votes)
    Fair Amount
    13% (194 votes)
    Not Very Much
    57% (855 votes)
    None At All
    30% (443 votes)
    0% (4 votes)
    Total votes: 1499

    Which issue would you like to have added to the ranking section of the next vote on the New American Agenda?

    Campaign Reform
    7% (254 votes)
    Church & State
    6% (228 votes)
    Congressional Earmarks in Federal Spending
    11% (379 votes)
    Drug Policy
    6% (198 votes)
    Election Reform
    7% (240 votes)
    Lobbyist Influence in Washington
    24% (827 votes)
    Tax Reform
    12% (411 votes)
    Term Limits
    5% (162 votes)
    Trade Reform
    3% (95 votes)
    Upholding the Constitution
    20% (714 votes)
    Total votes: 3508

    If Stephen Colbert runs for president, who should he pick as his running mate?

    Larry King
    1% (53 votes)
    Chris Matthews
    3% (108 votes)
    Keith Olbermann
    10% (390 votes)
    Oprah Winfrey
    6% (243 votes)
    Bill O'Reilly
    8% (318 votes)
    Jon Stewart
    71% (2742 votes)
    Total votes: 3854

    Should Stephen Colbert run for President?

    85% (5961 votes)
    15% (1050 votes)
    Total votes: 7011

    In recent years, are Democrats and Republicans...

    ...working together more?
    2% (13 votes)
    ...opposing each other more?
    86% (732 votes)
    ...same as they've always been?
    12% (105 votes)
    Total votes: 850

    Do you feel that your vote makes a difference in presidential elections?

    36% (201 votes)
    47% (266 votes)
    It depends
    17% (95 votes)
    Total votes: 562

    Have you ever voted for an independent or third party candidate?

    65% (677 votes)
    35% (366 votes)
    Total votes: 1043

    Would you support a viable third ticket option on the ballot in 2025?

    71% (1100 votes)
    9% (132 votes)
    It depends
    20% (314 votes)
    Total votes: 1546